lingering in the dark

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(Season I don't remember but Lloyd's with them but still a kid at least XD)

"What would you do if someone, just, died?"

Cole frowned at the thought as he let the pencil softly nudge the corner of his lips. 'Why did he ask that?', he wondered for himself. 'I know there's been conflicts but... He was kidding, right?' (tsk tsk tsk, so naive XD)

"Cole!", he jumped slightly to find Kai standing by the doorway. "It's dinn-, hey is that yours?", Kai asked and pointed at the sketchbook Cole was holding.

"Hm? No-no, I found it under the bed", he replied sheepishly and put it back under the bed before standing up from where he sat on the floor and asked with a smile. "You said it was dinner?"

Kai merely nodded before they both went to the dining room where Nya was setting the table.


It all went dark.

"What happened?", Nya's confused voice rang trough the sudden darkness. It was dark outside, so the sun couldn't help them now.

"I don't know", Cole said and furrowed his eyebrows. 'What's going on here?'

A couple of footsteps into the dining room was heard. "The light went out, can somebody go to the bridge and turn on the backup generator?", the calm voice of Zane said.

"Got it", Kai, who was next to Cole, said. He then dashed out of the room to the bridge, Cole assumed.

"Hey guys, you're here?", a high-pitched voice called out a couple of minutes after Kai went out as footsteps, probably of two people, was heard.

"Jay, is that you?", Zane asked.

"Yup", he replied, still cherry as usual.

"G-guys, when w-will the light c-come back?", a stuttering child voice said.

"When Kai gets to the bridge without any light, which will take awhile", Nya giggled as a crash! and a yell could be heard from a distance. Cole shook his head in pity for the poor red ninja.

"Hm? What are yo- argh!!!", Zane yelled in agony before some sparks lighted up the room for only a split second. Someone was leaning on the table, two figures stood across the room and a small shadow could be seen next to him in the corner of his eyes. Then it got dark again.

"W-what was t-that!?", Lloyd's yelped and a thunk! was heard.

"Zane! Is everything okay?!", Cole asked, worried about his brother.

"O one o...... O one o...", Zane's whisper was faintly heard across the room before it went completely silent.

''What does that mean?'', Cole thought, yet it seemed to slip out of his mouth. 

"I don't know", Jay said with a shaky breath. 'Man, he got some sucky nerves', Cole thought, this time keeping it to himself.

"Kai, hurry up!", Lloyd screeched in fright and suprised Cole with a side hug. Cole jumped a little but recovered quickly.

"I think that's a c-", Nya started, probably walking towards the earth ninja and the kid since her soft footsteps slowly went towards them, before she yelped in fright and suprise and another loud thunk! was heard.

"Nya!", Jay and Cole shouted at the same time as Lloyd clutched himself tighter.

"I'm okay!", she yelled out and a grasping sound told him that she just got up from a hard fall. A brushing sound afterwards before she spoke. "Just... Tripped on something..."

Suddenly the lights turned on, one after one. When it was all lit again a lone cheer could be heard outside of the room, but that's not what chaught his attention. Cole released himself from the young ninja trainee and kneeled down on the floor. "Zane!"

The man in front of him may look human, but they knew better. Cole opened Zane's chest panel and saw that the machinery had overheated and sparks and smoke covered his vision from seeing any further. He coughed and stood up again as Jay walked up to them to check out Zane.

"Oh my...", he said with wide eyes and seemed to be in chock. "This is bad... So bad..."

Nya and Lloyd also came up to them and gasped.

"Is he okay?", Lloyd asked and tilted his head. "He can be repaired, right?"

Nya, who stood behind the blonde, shook her head and looked down on the floor. She grabbed him on his shoulders. "Go to your room", she said firmly, but couldn't help that her voice cracked a little before she shooed him away. When he left Kai passed him with a grin.

"Guys, it was just a-", he stopped himself when he saw his sister close to tears and his brothers in shock and grief. His face dropped when he saw Zane on the floor. "What happened?", he asked and sprinted up to his fellow teammates.

"Zane is-... Zane is...", Jay stuttered, in loss of words.

"-Not repairable", Nya finished, who pulled herself together remarkably fast.

"What do you mean? (XD)", Kai furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Then his eyes widened in realization. "You mean he's...?"

They nodded.

'Why did this happen? HOW did this happen? It's almost as if the lights was turned of on purpose...'

Who is the murderer?
Why do you think so?
How hard was it (1-10)?


Author: heyyyyy there! I'm sorry for such a short chapter but I was...ahem...distracted

Cole: thank you TitaniumPikachu for requesting and for you who don't know; the author will probably not be online 29/4-3/5 so don't expect any answers or confirmations at that time (depending on where you live)

Zane: she'll be out of town with her family at that time if you wonders. Well then-


(Ps. You have no idea how many times my phone glitched out while I wrote this author's note, I almost raged XD)

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