『Chapter Six』«First bite»

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[Name] woke up with the alarm clock. She sat on the edge of the bed, rubbed her eyes and pushed her bangs back.

She sighed heavily and pushed herself up. She opened her closet and pulled out her uniform. She dressed up and went down the stairs to the kitchen.

She pulled out a snack bar and was about to walk out from house, when she heard her mother called out.

"Promise me." Now she was calm. But she seemed uneasy of whatever was going on with her and Carla.

[Name] smiled and nodded. "I promise." She walked out into the sunset when morning classes were barely ending.


[Name] walked into the school and looked around. Making sure the white haired male wasn't there. She moved to her locker and quickly changed the books from others; then closed it.

"I'm telling you, Big brother. I think you should ask her out again tonight—"

[Name] looked to the side, only to see a dark blond haired next to Carla.

She gasped and quickly closed her locker to then go at a quick pace through the hallway.

"Oh? Big brother wasn't she the girl that run off just now?" Shin looked at Carla, who nodded slowly. "Go after her. What are you waiting?" He chuckled.

"I'll go because I want to. Not because you are telling me." Said Carla then traced her down to where she was.

The... rooftop? He wondered.


Once on the stairs guiding to the rooftop, Carla stopped right in front of the door listening to something speaking further from it.

"What's so dangerous about Carla?" It was [Name] she seemed to be talking on the phone. "You can't tell me!? What's with that? I need to know, mom!" She exclaimed. "It's too soon?" She clicked her tongue and sighed. "Alright. I'll try to avoid him as much as I can."

She closed her cellphone and sat on the bench. Carla opened the door and stepped forward. [Name] quickly stood up and gave a step back.

"Wha—what are you doing our here, Carla?" She asked.

"What do you mean what?" He asked.

"I'm here because I wanted to see you." He said.

[Name] bit her lower lip and blushed. "I'm sorry. But for some reason my mother is going hysteric of me being around you." She answered.

Carla raised his eyebrow. "Hysteric?"

[Name] nodded slowly. "I don't know why. She doesn't want to explain anything to me. And I think you and her already met. Because she seemed so startled after hearing your name."

Carla kept silence. Her mother knew him? How? From where?

—Then he came into a sudden realization.

"Is your mother a human?" He asked directly.

[Name] snorted holding back laughter. "What are you saying?"

Carla looked at her with a serious expression.

She silenced her laughter. "A—are you serious?" She asked.

"Does it not seem like it?"

She quickly shook her head. "No way. Things like demons or vampires don't exist." She stuttered.

Carla quicken his pace towards her and harshly pushed her down to the bench.

"He—hey! Carla!" She gasped and looked away form him after feeling the cool of his breathing on the thin of her skin.

"You think so? Well then, let me change that." He placed his pointy fangs on the pale skin of her neck.

"Carla... this isn't funny at all. Stop it." She stuttered out with a shudder.

"Be silent for a moment." He bit down on her neck, kindly and smoothly.

[Name] whimpered slightly and raised her chin. She placed her hands on his back and squeezed his jacket and part of his scarf.

"Car—Carla..." cracking on her voice could be noticed.

He pulled back; afraid that she'll be tearing up. "I'm so—"

She pulled his head towards her again. "It doesn't hurt. Just please... be kind with me and I won't push you away." His face was being pushed against the middle of her breasts which made him feel awfully awkward.

He didn't answered, so he just bit down into her again. This time really close to her breast; she gasped.

He kept on drinking off her really softly and lovingly as he held her back and pulled her closer. She still grasped his jacket and cried in a pleasurable pain.

"Carla..." she moaned.

He groaned out her name various times and moved his hands lower from her back. As he did this, he felt [Name]'s hands trace up his spine.

"Carla, wait." She stopped him.

He pulled back,  "What happened?" He asked.

"Let's go somewhere else." She said under her breath.

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