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We all woke up at the same time ish and made our way downstairs.

"Breakfast, I'll Make everyone full English" tom said, motioning me to help him.

We messed around and made loads of mess and eventually pulled everything together and made up the plates, when we took them through our mums looked like they had had a serious talk. Never good news.

"Kids we should talk about what's happening when you have to Spain" Grace said ushering us to sit down. This is the chat that I was dreading.

"We have been talking about what we think we could do and we have come up with some options"my mum said.

"Number one, okay so you can just say good bye, still be together but just skype and FaceTime and we will have some holidays together" grace said...

"Number two, Tom comes on holiday with us to Spain, then you say goodbye and skype and FaceTime and then you can visit all the time" my mum said.

"And last one but were still open for ideas, so this one is you and your mum Lacey will go to Spain and Tom will come back with you after a while after Spain" that was an idea but I just wanted to stay with Tom.

Me and tom started to eat and think deeply, he sent me a text under the table...

'Number two?<3'

I text back with a thumbs up emoji.

We arranged it with our parents and they agreed grace had the idea that she came down for the last week so Tom didn't have to get the plane home on his own. We finished off breakfast and decided that Tom needed some clothes to take with him so we were going shopping.

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