New girl

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Burn POV

'Opposite Attract' those words came repeating in my mind ever since Gazel left after we argued for the reason that we lost to the Inazuma Japan(Author's note;or something) and it's been three years since he left, class was starting when a knock from the door was heard and the teacher answered it, I didn't bother to know who knocked at the door I just looked outside the window seeing orange and yellow colored leaves danced with the wind(lol) reminding me that it was almost winter Gazel's favorite time of the year, my attention was caught when the teacher suddenly said about a transfer student joining us so I took a glance and saw a girl with long bluish gray hair wearing a white sleeveless button up shirt with a blue ribbon tied on the top middle, her skirt was halfway down her knees and a black knee high socks with snowflake patterns and teal colored eyes it took me a second to realized it but she looked a lot like Gazel then she looked at me and mouthed two words 'Tulip head' which triggered me to stand up and say "Gazel you!-" but I was cut short, all of my classmates suddenly looked at me except for shadow who was reading a some sort of book and the teacher just glared at me to shut up"Suzuno Fuusuke do you two know each other?" My teacher asked Gazel just nodded and turned her head away to stick her tongue​ out which made me confused because 3 years ago he was a guy now a girl I grabbed my head with my left hand trying to process what was happening.

Gazel POV

"Suzuno Fuusuke do you know each other?" The teacher asked me after Burn called out to me I just nodded my head as a sign of yes and looked away to stick my tongue out he must be totally confused that I'm wearing a skirt then the teacher asked"So then Miss Fuusuke do you want me to assign you where you'll be sitting or do you want to choose where?"I was okay either where I could be assigned just not next to the soccer freak -Mark- so I picked second option by walking away to the teacher and sat next to...Okay two seats were vacant first; at the back of that white haired guy -Shadow- reading a book or beside tulip head -Burn- well I don't like to seat at the back so I just sat next to Burn who is now looking outside I wanted to start a small conversation so I offered my hand"My name is Suzuno Fuusuke 18 yrs. old female..."I started while smiling he took one look at me and blinked a few times before answering back"Nagumo Haruya"and shaked my hand looking away clearly blushing hearing his much more shy-like voice made me grin so I took my hand back(<---What? -_-) and started listening to the lesson that of course already know which made it boring...

A/N; Hey guys it's me Alister sorry for the short chapter...
Anyways I'll soon be publishing another story called "Death met the other" in the third or fourth part of this story promise, anyway bye~ see ya next chapter!

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