I screamed and began sprinting away from the hairy monstrosity. The ice was slick and didn't allow for very good traction as I tried to evade the snarling beast that was gaining on me. I continued running as I heard it's thunderous footsteps that sounded like they were right behind me. I spared a quick glance and saw that it was maybe 10 yard away now.

I screeched again as it seemed the beast was just second from taking me down and eating me for breakfast. But suddenly the ground rumbled and a gigantic red monster that easily dwarfed the Polarilla emerged from one of the snow drifts like seemed a trap door spider. But there was no relation to the huge red alien and any sort of earthly creature when it's came to appearances. It was bright cherry red with four long spear like limbs that propelled the monster forward. It's head was mostly just a mouth of gnashing yellow teeth. When it roared the planet seemed to shake as I now ran away from the red alien.

It easily killed the Polarilla with a swift chomp to the neck and now decided to pursue me. I screamed again as new wave of terror washed over me and my blood seem to to turn to ice. I continued running away until it seemed that the floor underneath me disappeared.

I found myself tumbling down a large ice drop off. My body rolled down the hill clumsily and I curled myself into into a ball in order to minimize damage (Do I sound like Spock or what?). The ice crushed underneath my body as I finally came to a stop. Unfortunately, the large red monster had also taken a tumble down the drift as well. I yelped as I saw it coming down and quickly stood back up and returned to running away. The adrenaline pumping through me was reaching new heights as the red alien regained it's footing and started chasing me once again.

I almost screamed in joy when I saw what looked like the opening of a cave appear maybe 30 yard away. I sprinted like I had never sprinted before an damaged to get in through the entrance of the ice cave but the monster decided to follow.

Breaking through the ice of the cave and I stumbled as shards of ice rained down around me. I screeched as suddenly a long tentacle like thing grabbed my ankle and pulled me down. I turned around and could see the monster was using some sort of huge tongue thing to bring me to its mouth. I struggled and tried to find anything to hold onto. The monsters large wet and toothy mouth was just a few years away. It reached of sulfur and I knew this had to be the end for me.

But a figure dressed in a ragged Navy blue coat appeared and began to wave a torch in front of the creature who released my ankle. I gasped in relief as the red alien black alien way from the torch in fear. It hissed loudly but then left entirely. I was breathless for like the 4th time that day as I swallowed deeply. The figure turned to look at way me and and I now saw that it was a male Vulcan. Great. Just what I needed. I another bloody Vulcan.

A flash of recognition went across as looked at me and I stood up shakily. Using the wall of the cave to keep me stable " Jailee T. Kirk?" The Vulcan man asked I furrowed my eyebrows. I could see now that he was an elderly Vulcan with a weathered face and a large nose. He had similar eyes to Spock.

" How do you know my name?" I asked in a confused manner looking at the older Vulcan. He looked at me almost fondly as if remembering some distant memory. "You are and will forever be the love of my life" The old Vulcan claimed and scoffed in disbelief. Fantastic. I'm stuck on a planet with a chemically imbalanced Vulcan. Just my luck.

"Look buddy, I don't know who you are but I'm not you love or whatever" I replied and almost smiled a hit at the strange occurrence. He tilted his head as if he was puzzled. " I am Spock. 130 years prior to the Vulcan you know now" The older man claimed and I swear my eyebrows literally skyrocketed right of my forehead.

"Bull shit"

--Time skip--

I couldn't believe this guy. How on the right mind could he be Spock? The Spock that hated me. The one that maroon me on Delta fucking Vega!

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