31. half the world away

Start from the beginning

"What about Graham? I've slept with him but he's not my best mate is he!" I said back and he shrugged and pulled a packet of tabs out of his pocket.

"I'm going for a walk," he muttered bitterly, "just go home, I'll ring you later."

I nodded, understanding that he's got himself quite overwhelmed and needed to clear his head a bit and followed him downstairs and out of the front door.


I stepped into the porch, accidentally stepping on the letters that were scattered on the door mat. Picking them up, I dusted the flaky mud off them and flicked through in search of any with my name emblazoned on the front.

I found two in quite official looking envelopes and I put the others behind the pig on the mantelpiece.

The first one I opened was a letter saying that I am no longer legible for my dole money. On the one hand, that was fair enough as I rake in a fair amount of bills from the modelling. Then at the same time, that soon goes on things like paying lodge for my mum and food and tabs and drink and I only really ever get gigs every six to eight weeks or something.

I sighed and slumped back into the arm chair and put my hand over my face, as I tried to plan out my finances and how I was gonna fund myself now I didn't have an extra £18 a week coming in.

I dreaded opening the second letter in case it was more bad news, like my dad's record shop has gone bankrupt or I've been given a fine for something that I didn't know I'd done. So it just sat on the arm of the chair while I sat and pondered in silence.

I started worrying about Liam; he's so frustrated and bitter with life, and he's clearly lonely since Erin left him. Lately he just seems to be struggling to be his usual cocky but hilarious self that he was when I first met him.

I decided to give him a ring, in hopes that he was home from his walk and had calmed himself down a bit.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Liam," I said, surprised that he'd answered the phone as he usually never does.

"Hiya," he replied with a sigh. "Sorry about earlier, y'know. I think I'd just been on my own for too long and I was overthinking. D'ya fancy going out tonight? Nip down dreamworks or somet?"

I smiled, the Liam I knew was back. I just worried that he wasn't trying to just bottle it all up again.

"Dreamworks went bust about two months ago," I reminded him and he tutted.

"Ah shit yeah," he said, "but they haven't started taking everything out yet and the back door is really easy to open."

I cackled down the phone at his suggestion of breaking into the newly abandoned nightclub and he chuckled at me laughing.

"Why don't we just go down The Bunker?" I said with a laugh, dismissing his idea. "It's always a dead weird night out down there."

"Yeah," he chuckled, "I'll meet you outside Piccadilly Records at 8."

Feeling more optimistic now, I opened the other letter, deciding I was less likely to receive two letters on bad news in a row that to get one bad news letter and one letter that I don't care about and will end up in the bin.

English Rose      -       liam gallagher ficWhere stories live. Discover now