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     Its been about a week, but my fever hasn't let up. "(Y/n)! Go lay back down!" Boris exclaimed, grabbing my shoulders and pushing me back.

     "We've been idle for way too long! I can't stand being in the same place for too long." I argued, trying to push past Boris. In my weakened state, Boris overpowered me, and dragged me back to bed.

     "(Y/n), you have a fever. Honestly, you should know that you need rest." Boris said, pushing me down.

     "Bendy, back me up here" I called out, glancing at Bendy.

     "While I'm with you on being idle, I'm siding with Boris. You're sick, and you need rest." Bendy stated.

     "Here's a reality check. Its been a week. My gut says this fever won't be letting up anytime soon. We need to get moving! Those pieces won't find themselves!" I protested.

     "(Y/n), just give up. We aren't letting you go. Just chill" Bendy said.

     "Hmf" I grumbled, turning over.

     "Also, put your damn shirt on!" Bendy yelled.

     "But it's too hot" I complained.

     "Then put on something more covering! I can't stand being in the same room as you and seeing your boobs all the time." Bendy said, grabbing his shoes.

     "Then don't stare" I said.

     "It's kind of hard to not see them when you don't have a freaking shirt on!" Bendy yelled. "Anyways, I'm heading out. Do you need anything?" Bendy called.

     "Some magical medicine that gets rid of fevers so we can get moving?" I asked.

     "Sorry, I don't think they sell that." Bendy joked.

     "Well, maybe some aspirin from (Y/n)" Boris called out.

     "Nuuu I don't want medicine" I whined. I absolutely hate taking medicine. 

     "Just get any medicine for fevers" Boris yelled.

     "Mkay" Bendy hollered, before shutting the door.

     "So (Y/n), what do you want to do while he's gone?" Boris asked.

     "Advance on the quest" I mumbled.

     "We can't leave without him and you know that. Plus, I would never leave my brother behind." Boris said.

     "Yeah, yeah. Just thought I'd put it out there." I said.

     "You really are crazy, you know that?" Boris asked.

     "You could say that" I said.

     "Come here" Boris said, motioning towards him. I scooted over towards Boris, and let him do whatever he wanted to do. Boris ruffled my hair, and inspected my face. "Where are your scars?" Boris asked.

     "Well, there's one right here" I said, pointing to my chin. Right below my lip, a small, pale line decorated my face. "I also have one behind my ear" I said, folding my ear back. "I can't forget the lethal ones, which is the one on my nape, and the one on my throat." I said, looking up for a few seconds, then leaning down and pulling my hair up. "The one on my nape is really long, which led to a lot of blood loss.

     "You poor thing" Boris whimpered, his ears flattening.

     "Not to make your mood worse, but those are only the ones up near my face. There are ones covering my body. Those don't really matter to me anymore though." I said. Boris patted my head before getting my to grab something.

     "Here, you need to drink" Boris said, coming back with a cup of ice cold water.

     "Thanks" I said, taking a sip.

     "Now rest, you'll need it to recover." Boris said, taking the cup from me and setting it on a table next to me. I rolled over, and closed my eyes. I wasn't feeling tired, so sleep wasn't really an option. Maybe I could just lie here and think? That works. But I don't know what to think about. Maybe the events that are currently happening. Yeah, that sounds good to me.

Sorry that the last few updates have been late! I spend hours writing, editing, finding inspiration, keeping up with the blog, etc., which means that I don't get as much done. Plus, I have other stories to write!

I've decided to host a poll (here ----> http://poal.me/qxh1x1 ) so you can vote on how you want the story to go! After the next chapter, I won't update for a few weeks. In those few weeks, you guys can vote on how you want the story to go, and then I will continue from there. Thanks for the support!

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