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[ E D I T E D ]


Tyler and I woke up a bit late today, the third day of being on the ship, because last night we may have gotten completely smashed at the clubhouse.

The clubhouse is just a room where they have drinks and music and other cool adulty-stuff. It's pretty cool, and definitely a lot of fun.

But this morning our ship docked in Jamaica, and Tyler and I are ready to get our Jamaican vibes going on.

What I didn't realize, is that weed is part of this so called Jamaican vibe.

As soon as Tyler and I walked off the ship and walked through the sand and on the sidewalk, a middle-aged man offered us weed, ten bucks for an ounce.

Well, being the antisocial people Ty and I are, we kinda just dismissed him and said a simple, "No thanks," and thought we would be on our way and having fun on the clear-water beaches. But nope.

"Nah, man! This the good stuff, here. Just ten dollars and you be having great time!"

Tyler and I looked at each other, not knowing what to do. "Uhm, sorry sir, but we're not into that kind of thing. And plus, we're on vacation, ya know. We're on that cruise ship over there. We can't bring that stuff with us." I speak up, honestly just wanting the guy to leave us alone so Tyler can complain about how he wants to do stuff that's meant for kids but he's twenty-something years old and can't do so.

"That's why you smoke it here, man. Come on! Just ten dollar!"

So that's how Tyler and I found ourselves buying two ounces of weed.

I just stuffed it into our carry-around backpack, and we carried on with what we wanted to do.

We went to Margarita Ville and drank a few (or maybe more than a few) margaritas where we saw the guy who sold us weed (we avoided him at all costs) and then walked it off by following the sidewalk back to the beach where we swam.

At first, I didn't want to swim, so I sat on a towel under the foldable umbrella that was cheap as fuck, while watching Tyler make a sand castle, claiming he didn't want to go swimming if I didn't go with him.

"Josh, where should our room go in the castle?"

I give him a smile, "I think our room should be at the top. Because we're like kings." We both laugh, and we had a great time. Until, that is, Tyler finds out we missed the "Snorkeling With Stingrays!" because he was building his castle.

The snorkeling with the stingrays was only from eight am to two pm, and when I finally looked at the time on my phone, it was about three-forty-five. When I had to break the news to Tyler, you would have thought I told him his dog, Max died. (He loves that stupid dog so much, Jesus Christ.)

But with promised ice cream and chocolate when we get back on the ship, Tyler lit back up and we were back to smiling and having fun again. Our wonderful day ended up even more wonderful, as before the time we had to board back onto the ship, Tyler and I walked along the empty shore holding hands and trying to find the prettiest shell.

You're technically not supposed to take any sand or shells (it's a legit thing), so Tyler and I simply put a couple shells in our shoes to keep safe. (We didn't know if they would check our backpack or pockets.)

We ended up finding a beautiful pearly-pink colored small conch shell. Tyler may or may not have freaked out because, and I quote, "This shell is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! It's more beautiful than watching Brendon getting dumped again by the same guy, and more beautiful than Beyoncé getting trash talked (Tyler claims to hate Beyoncé because she's "too overrated"), and heck! It's even more beautiful than me, and I'm the most beautiful thing on this earth!"

I know, he's a spoiled little asshole, but he's my spoiled little asshole.

I simply just rolled my eyes and agreed with his last statement, and we boarded back onto the ship a while later.

As promised, we ate ice cream and multiple chocolate bars (the ice cream is part of the free 24/7 stuff the ship offers, so we took advantage of that) and ended up having a stomachache for each of us. But that's okay, because today was probably the greatest day we've had in a long time.

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