Chapter 22

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Warning : this is the second and last part of the origin story, explaining how the hunter and the dragon fights for decades and finishing by a good thing.

Guardian's hive
Fire's POV

After our hibernation, I immediately saw a white dragon with crystals on his body with us, the spell work, we create a new guardian, I wait the others to wake up, when we were all woke up, we walked to see the new one up close but he woke up and stood straight, a bright light from his crystals blinded us 


"calm down miss, we're with you !"

We need some time to found our sight back, after that, I talk first 

"I'm Fire, this is Ground, Wind, Lightning, Poison and Sea, you're Prismblast right ?"

"yes !"

"you're the guardian of the light, the last member of our group, I will help you to control your power !"

"my what ?"

"your power, I will show you, the rest will see what is going on, we rest for a while since your creation !"

I took Prismblast with me and took her to the arena, the others watch over our little dragon friend out there.

During our walk, I told her our story 

"we are elemental guardians, we carried one element each, fire, wind, water, poison, earth, lightning and now light with you !"

"okay, but why am I here anyway ?"

"our task is to watchover dragons from our world, this archipelago, but hunters appeared, threatening this fragile peace we got, we need t teach them a lesson and we need you !"

"what can I do against them ? I'm new to this !"

"that's why I'll train you !"

We arrived at our arena and I closed the door behind us, then I joined Prismblast 

"first, we will see your breath, take a deep breath and the body make the rest !"

She follow my advice, a strange light appear in her mouth and she spat some strange things, cuttting throught all our targets 

"what is this ?"

"did...did I do good sir ?"

"yes Prismblast, you shoot glass, I already saw that here, it's brilliant !"

I was wondering what she can do esle when I heard 


I lied down and saw an hunter falling down, a Crystal in his chest 

"bulleyes !"

"we need to move now !"

the hunters are here ? how ? Me and Prismblast shot on them, the remaining four hunters were almost all killed, only one survived 

"who sent you here you miserable twat !"

"the Grimborn !"

"what are you doing to him ?"

"he will join his friend !"

With my claw, I decapitated him in one shot and turned back to Prismblast 

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