I hired Ros Bailey as my CFO. I meet her at a local coffee shop. She was complaining to who I found out was her wife about not being taken seriously at her job. I know it's terrible but I listened a little while longer and realized she would be an amazing asset to my company. I walked over to her table and introduced myself and we sat and talked for nearly 4 hours. She was an executive at Bailey Corp which is own and run by her father. Her older brothers are the COO and CFO but even with her having a Master's in business and finance they never gave her the chance to move up in the company. She has been an assistant in the accounting department for almost two years. She and I just clicked so I offered her the position of Chief Finacial Officer and she has done amazedly.

Ana, Kate, Gwen (Ros's wife) and Ros spend almost every Thursday evening watching Grey's Anatomy and Sunday's they Skype each other and while watching The Walking Dead. They have all become like family.

"Nope, I kept it open for us to celebrate. Whatcha thinking about doing?"

"I was thinking we'd go to Disneyland and spend the weekend riding rides and just spending time together. I know your family likes going to Disney World but I'd like to start our own tradition. What do you think?" Tears start forming in her eyes

"Baby, I'm sorry we can do something else. I promise I'll make it special."

"You're amazing. I love you so much and the fact that you want to take me to Disneyland to start our own memories makes me love you more. Thank you." She kisses me but before it can go further banging on the door brings us apart.

"What!" Ana yells

"Ana... Dad and Liam are here so get dress and come out it's important." Kate laughs

We are both dressed in jeans Ana is wearing a blue tank top and I'm in a blue polo.

"We match!" She jumps into my arms and kisses me hard before jumping to the floor and opening our bedroom door.

"Hey, guys what brings you here?" She asks as we hug Ray and Liam. By the look on Ray's face, this isn't gonna be a good.

"Have either of you been online yet today?" We both shake our heads and I see Ana blush. We've been in bed all morning and it's something I hope we can continue once they leave.

"No, why?" I sigh because I know the stupid paps have become somewhat obsessed with Ana and me since my company has taken off.

"Carla has decided that since you kids won't allow her into your life and pockets, she has chosen to sell any story to the tabloids, and I do mean any story regardless of whether it's true. There is a story about both of you experimenting with drugs and alcohol. She claims that you've had an addition since you were 16 and are trying to get Christian into that world." I hear both Ana and Kate gasp

"I'm going to call Beth and get the ball rolling on shutting down these lies," I whisper to Ana before speed dialing my PR manager.

***Ana's POV***

"I'm going to release a statement, okay?" I look up at Kate and see her typing away on her tablet. I can't believe she would be so cruel as to make money off of such terrible lies.

"Yeah, we need to shut this down before it ruins our reputations. Get with Christian and see what he's releasing first, please." She nods before walking towards Christian's office.

We have been slowly building publicity for Ever After Publishing. We won't open for another 4 months but we want to make sure we don't lose the author that Seattle Publishing had before we took over.

As soon as the ink was dry on the contract I sent a few spies into the company and had them evaluate the employees. We had to get rid of 75 percent of the staff because they either didn't do the job correctly or just didn't seem to care to do a good job. That was a stressful day but I want employees that love literature and want to publish someone's hard work. Any type of work is going to have good and bad days but I want passionate people in my company.

My father hugging me brings me back to the here and now.

"Annie, we will make sure everyone knows she's a manipulative gold digger. I promise." Dad and Liam both pull me into a hug and I can't help but cry. It such because sometimes I just wish I had a normal mother that loved me and wanted me to be happy. I guess I'm sort of lucky because there are way worse mothers out there.

"Statements will be released within the hour. How are you doing, baby?" Christian wraps his arms around me and kissed my neck.

"I wish we could go back to bed," I whisper and suck on his neck.

"Me too, Behave and I'll make sure you can't walk straight tomorrow." He smacks my butt and walks over to talk to my dad.

2 month later


Seattle Nooz

Guess what Seattle?? Could a baby Grey be on the way?

Our sources claim they saw Anastasia and Katherine Steele shopping at Walgreen's yesterday and noticed half a dozen pregnancy boxes in their cart.

Which Steele sister has a bun in the oven? Don't you worry Seattle, we will keep you informed.

UMMMM... I pick up my phone and speed dial my babies number.

"I'm not pregnant. " She giggles

"Is this your mom's doing again or did you guys buy them?" I ask and hear her talking to someone else.

"Christian, don't worry they were mine. Guess what? You're going to be an uncle!" Kate squeals so loud I have to pull my phone away from my ear.

"Congrats, Kate! We'll celebrate tonight. Anywhere you'd like." I hear the girls talking and finally my girl comes back on.

"Babe, she wants to go to Wolfy's Diner. Are you okay with that?" Hell yeah! They have the amazing burgers.

"Perfectly fine with that choice. I'll see you in an hour. I love you."

"I love you too." I smile and hang up.

I look around my office at Grey House and can't help but smile at all the family pictures on my wall. Gwen is an interior decorator so I hired and she did an amazing job with the design. On the wall, next to my desk there is a collage of all the people I love. My favorites are the one of Ana and me throughout our relationship. The one with Mickey and Minnie and us from our year anniversary is smack dab in the middle. We spent almost all day looking for them just to take a picture and it wasn't we were watching the fireworks that we saw them. So behind us you can see fireworks.

"Baby, you look perfect." Ana is dressed in a teal knee-length dress and heels. I kiss her then help her and Kate into the SUV. Our fathers have suggested we get bodyguards since the paps are following us more and more but Ana and I want to hold off as long as possible.

"Yummy, I love bacon cheeseburger and cheese fries. Ana, do you want to share a brownie explosion?" Kate pats her stomach as Ana laughs at her.

As we make our way outside the diner flashing lights nearly causes Ana and Kate to fall. I didn't even realize they we out here before we came inside and now there's nearly 30 of them making it impossible to get to our car.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY" I roar getting everyone's attention. A police officer sees us and comes to help us safely arrive at our car. Before I shut my door, I get his name.

"Thank you, Officer," I said before pulling out into the road.

I send a text to Welch my security advisor for a full background check on one Jason Taylor. If he comes back clean I might just have to him a security job.

"I love you so much" I whisper to my sleeping girl. If anything, where to happen to her it would destroy me and now I have a little niece or nephew to think about too. The paps are always bringing attention to Ana and Kate so if someone wants to hurt our family those two are the easiest targets.

"I love you too." She mumbles causing me to jump. I look down and she is already back asleep.

This is the best life ever. 

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