Chapter 17

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     A few minutes later, Haymitch walks in and offers me lunch. 

     "I'm really not that hungry." I say. My stomach is churning and I have an overpowering urge to throw up. He nods and is about to leave when Peeta sits up, gasping for breath, clutching the blanket and looking around with wide eyes in fear.

     "Shh, it's okay." I say. That's when Haymitch interferes.

     "What the hell were you thinking?" he gets right in his face, yelling so his face turns purple. "You're a stupid, stupid boy." Peeta's eyes widen and he leans away from Haymitch's beer breath. "Let me tell you, boy, suicide is for cowards." 

     "So is getting too drunk to face your problems." Peeta mutters. Haymitch scowls.

     "If I wasn't there to stop you and you had gotten killed, I wouldn't have missed you. Nobody would have missed you." he yells. I jump off the bed and push him against the wall.

     "Get out. Get out of this room right now Haymitch or I swear..." He raises his hands up and walks out calmly. Peeta begins crying softly, like a little boy. I sit on the bed and stroke his hair.

     "I would have missed you." I tell him and he nods, but tears continue to fall. I lean over to kiss him when my stomach tightens. I run to the bathroom just in time to throw up. 

     "Katniss!" Peeta runs after me and holds my hair back. He rubs my back and mutters things that I can't understand. When I'm done he leads me back to his bed and goes downstairs to get my mom. When he's gone, I realize how quickly he jumped up to help me, even though he was so distressed. 

     "Your mom's on her way." he says as he comes back in and sits on the bed. I grab his hand and smile.

     "I love you." I kiss him and he smiles, a genuine smile, but his eyes are full of tears. 

     "Think about it. If Haymitch wouldn't miss you, he wouldn't have saved you." I point out.

     "Yes he would have, because you'd miss me." he says it like a question, and I'm not sure if he's right about Haymitch.

     "I would miss you. Way too much to live without you." I look him in the eye to emphasize my feeling. 

     "Thank you." he says.


     I force a smile, holding back a sob. Katniss's mom comes in and asks her to come with her to the bathroom. Soon she walks out, leaving Katniss in there, and sits next to me on the bed.

     "How have you been?" she asks.

     "I'm good." I lie, and she sees right through me. 

     "So that's why you've been trying to kill yourself?" she crosses her arms and her accusatory tone bothers me. 

     "At least I didn't abandon the person I love twice." I spit at her. She looks at me, taken aback, and Katniss walks back in. She leaves the room without saying a word. By now my tears and feeling of helplessness are gone and anger has taken their place. Katniss sits down and I kiss her. She tries to pull away but I hold on to her. Eventually she stops resisting and allows me to fold her into my arms and kiss her. Her lips curve up into a smile and I sigh. Her hands rest on my stomach and I gently stroke her hair.

     "I love you." she mutters.

     "I love you more."

     I woke up with her hand on my chest. For the first time in awhile I actually feel happy and glad to be alive. She stirs and runs to the bathroom. I get up, wrap a towel around my waist, and bring her a robe. She's shaking, either from the cold bathroom floor on her bare skin, or from the effort of throwing up. I wrap the robe around her and hold her hair back. Kissing the top of her head, I help her up.

     "Brush your teeth." I say, and she nods. I lead her back to bed and let her sleep.

     Three days later, her mom walks in while Katniss and I play cards. Lately she's been trying to keep my mind off...the bad stuff and has been playing multiple board games with me. Her face is a mix between anger, disappointment, and annoyance. 

     "Katniss, your results come back." she said, and the tone of her voice made me nervous. 

     "Why did you run a test on her?" I ask. She scowls at me and I bite my lip, not used to her hostile attitude. 

     "Because I wanted to make sure you hadn't given her anything to upset her stomach." she glares at me and I grit my teeth in anger.

     "You think I drugged her?" I try my best not to shout.

     "Guys, please. Results." She look at her mom, throwing her cards on the bed. Her mom takes a deep breath and looks at both of us.

     "'re pregnant."

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