Chapter 4

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     As I walk down the front steps, my feet sink into the soft snow, and I just keep going, not paying attention to where I'm headed.

     When I finally look around, I realize my feet have carried me back to my old house. Staring at the snow covered meadow, I look down to see my toes have turned blue and I begin to feel them burn. Falling to my knees, I let out a strangled cry. For Prim, for Gale, for Finnick, for Cinna. I hear another cry, and through tear filled eyes I see Buttrrcup, laying in the exact spot where Prim's bed used to be.

     "She's gone, you stupid cat." I sob and just keep sobbing, all my anger at Peeta disappearing. Not knowing how much time has passed, I eventually begin to fall asleep, a strange warmth flooding the center of my body. My entire body has gone numb, and I realize how nice it would be to die here, in the remains of my old home; my old life. I barely feel the arms lift me off the ground and take me back to the Victors Village. I hear a faint voice somewhere in the distance, but with my eyes closed I can feel my brain starting to shut down. I breathe in deeply, enjoying the feeling. All the pain of the last few years is completely going away now.

     "Katniss, please. Stay with me, Katniss. I need you." Peeta's choked voice came to me, clearly, and I heard a moan escape my lips.

     "She's coming back." I hear another voice say, a bit slurred. Haymitch. The pain returns and I moan again, this time voluntarily. Opening my eyes, I see that I'm on the train, the same one that held so much dread and horror for me.

     "We're taking you to a hospital in the capital. Don't worry, I'll be there for you the whole time." Peeta takes my hand and I feel his kindness and warmth fill me, but all I can manage is a nod, before I go back under.

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