Chapter 5

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    According to Peeta, I slept for three days. When I wake up, I'm ready in a hospital.

     Looking around, I take it in. Instead of a plain white, this Capitol hospital is multi-colored. Bright pinks, blues, greens, and yellows make up the walls, curtains, ceilings, and floors. The people inside are much the same, they have different colored skin like Octavia does and different crazy hairstyles like Effie. I can hear the moniter of my heart beeping and the sounds of other moniters, echoing through the halls. It smells clean and flowery, also unlike any other hospital I've been in. A nurse walks by and I catch a glimpse of her ridiculous clothing. She wears an extravagant emerald green dress, with enormous matching heels.

     I snort and roll my eyes. The noise wakes up a sleeping Peeta next to me, who's trained himself to wake up at the smallest of noises.

     "Hey, how are you feeling?" He takes my hand and I pull away. He frowns.

     "I don't need help." he sighs and stands up. "You can't just call a doctor behind my back and set up an appointment." I cross my arms, refusing to look at him, my previous anger returning.

     "I'm sorry." he takes my hand again but this time I dont pull away. "I was just so worried about you. You weren't being yourself. You almost killed me." he strokes my hair and I sigh.

     "I'm sorry." I mutter. Surprisingly he smirks.

     "You've never been able to accept help." he laughs and I smile, squeezing his hand. A knock on the door makes us both look up.

     "Hello, I'm Dr. Boggs. It is such a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Everdeen." he reaches out his hand for me to shake, but I don't accept. I would guess he was in his early forties, his eyes are a light blue, and he has a kind smile. His hair is a light caramel brown and he has dimples that I find attractive. His voice is smooth and low, like everything he says is a secret.

     Withdrawing his hand, he smiles and turns to Peeta.

     "I was not expecting you until next week." he sits down and I can tell he's the kind of person that's comfortable anywhere.

     "Well, she got sick, and I couldn't wait until next week." Peeta says calmly.

     "Yes, I see that. Hypothermia." the doctor continues to mumble to himself and I can't help but feel angry about the way they're talking about me like I'm not even there. Finally Peeta turns to me and smiles.

     "Dr. Boggs is just going to perform some tests on you and also treat you for hypothermia."

     "I'm a very busy man." the doctor smiles, stands up, and leaves. It's not until a crazily dressed nurse walks in that I realize how normal Dr. Boggs looked. He wore the normal scrubs I've seen doctors and nurses usually wear.

     "Hello." she says in a ridiculously high-pitched voice. "I'm going to give you some medicine for claustrophobia and we are going to take you to get an MRI soon." she injects a yellow liquid into my IV. "It might cause a little pain." she says. I watch as the liquid makes it's way towards my skin. The minute it hits, I feel as though I'm on fire. Screams escape my lips and the nurse ushers Peeta outside.

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