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(Harry POV) The song is Liam's new song Get Low with Zedd OMG it is good

It has been exactly 1 week since I left Louis. If I am honest I miss him a lot and I haven't even went to work I called my boss and said that I had a stomach bug. I keep thinking about going back home to Louis and apologize for everything. Cause I love him with my life. I also told Zayn why I left and he is very supportive about the baby.

"Zayn I want to go back home and see him." I say out if nowhere. But it is the truth I miss him and the baby inside of him and feel bad on how I left things. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Ya I miss him and feel bad on how we left things I want to apologize." After that he nodded then I went to pack my bag then I was out the door going home to Louis and the baby!

(Louis POV)

Ever since Harry left a week ago everyday I am losing a little bit of hope of him coming home. I have been crying myself to sleep at night cause I miss him. Liam and Niall have been over everyday to make sure I was alright, which honestly they are starting to act like babysitters. I don't blame them though. right now I am in my room crying like usual until I heard the door open and closed. I thought it was Liam and Niall till I looked in my bedroom door way and saw... Harry.

"Hey how are you?" He asked in his low voice. "Fine." I said lying to him since I have been crying all week and the only time I left my room was to eat or use the restroom. "I know you are lying. I am so sorry how we left things I was just shocked and surprise but, I kept my promise didn't I?" I let out a giggle from my mouth. "I am sorry I honestly didn't want to get pregnant but hey it is a little miracle." I said feeling sorry cause I know he doesn't want this and I understand if want to leave. "Its our little miracle." Once he said that I felt lips pressed against mine and I really loved it.

"Lou can I ask you something?" He said with lots of love in his voice. "What is it?" I ask confused and really happy at the same time. "Are we going to raise the baby together or..." He trailed off honestly I don't know who I didn't answer the question. The only things I know is that I am excited for this baby and that that I love Harry and the baby with all my heart.

"Louis I need to ask you something important." once he said that I turned my head and looked into his eyes and said "What is it?" Honestly I am worried on what he has to say. I see that Harry is really nervous out of nowhere I am starting to worry. "Hey why are you so nervous?" I ask him and look him in the eyes. He grabs my hands then says

"Louis will you be my boyfriend?" He ask hopeful. I have never in my life have ever been more happy then to hear those 6 words.

I pull him into a very passionately kiss which turned into a make out session. After a few moments I pull away but keep our foreheads together and say "Of course I will baby!"
Honestly I could never be more excited. Harry and I are official and we are now starting our own little family! I couldn't been more happy!

- Well I finally have another update for you guys hope you enjoyed and sorry it is a little short but at lease Larry are officially together right? Do you think the other boys will be happy for them and support them? Find out next chapter in STAY!! Love you guys xox!!

Stay || Larry auWhere stories live. Discover now