The Tale Of Awakening (Part 1)

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Glynda fired six blasts at Ozpin, a green aura around the former head master blocking her blasts.

"Come now, Glynda. We both know against me, you are powerless." Ozpin mocked. Ozpin's eyes had turned red, a black shadow having cascaded over his entire body. All of which were signs of a possession Grimm.

"You aren't Ozpin." Glynda said as she charged a rather large blast of pink energy.

"Oh but my dear, I am." Ozpin replied before replicating Glynda's charged attack and creating his own blast in his hands. Glynda and the possessed Ozpin both fired their blasts, an explosion sounding as the two attacks crashed into each other.

Ozpin suddenly appeared behind Glynda, his fist producing a black mist as he raised it behind her.

"Say goodnight, Glynda!" Ozpin shouted maliciously as he launched his first at Glynda. Someone suddenly intercepted the attack, his gloved hand covering the entire palm.

"You're possessing a friend of mine. Get out of his body." Tai Yang Xiao Long said as he pushed Ozpin back. His entire body was surrounded in a golden light, an angry expression across his face.

"Hah! You block one strike and you think you're stronger than Ozpin!?" The possessed Ozpin shouted before charging his fist again. Tyrian was suddenly launched onto the ground next to them. 

"Found a rat lurking nearby." Qrow Branwen said as he landed next to Ozpin.

"Qrow... Tai... what are you two doing in Vale!?" Glynda asked the two.

"Those idiots took Ruby. We're here to get her back safely." Tai said before quickly turning around and crashing his fist into Hazel's.

"I'm impressed. You can hold your own." Hazel said as he withdrew his fist. He quickly appeared by the possessed Ozpin, as did Tyrian.

The dragon that had destroyed Vale suddenly roared in the distance. Glynda could tell it was closing in on them.


"What should we do?" Pyrrha asked Jaune. Ren held Nora down, the four hiding behind a nearby hill. They were about to step in when Tai and Qrow suddenly appeared.

"We can't do anything right now. We'll only get in their way." Ren said while struggling to keep Nora's mouth covered. Releasing her would mean that their position would be compromised.

"So we wait?" Pyrrha asked before looking to Jaune.

"We wait. When they're hurt, we'll attack. They may be high lever huntsmen, but they can't fight forever." Jaune said. The dragon's roar suddenly caught their ears.

"Change of plans." Jaune said as he stood up from the hill. The sun rose at the exact same time, creating a beautiful orange sky behind him. He activated his new ability, a pair of yellow wings sprouting from his back.

"That dragon dies today." He said before looking to the three. Ren and Pyrrha both nodded.


Qrow charged Tyrian, swinging and spinning his scythe. Tyrian used his wrist blades to block the ferocious swings before finally knocking the scythe away from his body.

"Hah! Pathetic! Is this really all you are capable of!?" Tyrian shouted before Qrow punched him in the face twice.


Tai and Hazel crashed fists, shockwaves of energy from the collisions blasting after each strike.

"Impressive. I did not think that another person had this strength." Hazel said as he and Tai retreated from a clash.

"I'd take that as a compliment but I kind of want to kill all of you for taking my daughter." Tai said as he charged forward again.

"I apologize for that." Hazel replied charging in response.


Glynda and Ozpin fired blasts at each other, blood pouring from wounds they had both sustained. Glynda had a head wound from earlier, when an explosion crashed next to her. Blood dripped down next to her eye, another wound near her waist leaking metallic blood.

"Just give up already!" Ozpin shouted, appearing behind her.

"The real Ozpin would know that I do not give up so easily." Glynda said as she snapped around and fired a point-blank blast at Ozpin. The blast collided with the possessed male, sending him flying.


Jaune was slammed into the ground by the Dragon's large tail. It roared at Jaune, who was crushed by the tail.

"Get-... Off-... Me!" Jaune shouted as he struggled underneath the tail. Nora suddenly leaped towards the dragon's head, her hammer firing a grenade and launching her at the dragon's head.  She swung her arms violently, her hammer slamming into the side of the dragon's head and knocking it off it's feet. Jaune was freed from the tail as the dragon quickly caught itself before it plummeted to the ground. It roared again before taking flight into the air and firing a blast of flames. Ren and Pyrrha's gunfire destroyed the blast before it could reach them.

"It's just like the hydra! We have to weaken it before we kill it!" Jaune shouted as golden wings appeared on his back again. Pyrrha and Ren looked at each other before nodding.

"I'll make an opening. When I do, Nora will launch Pyrrha and Ren into the air. You have to hit it with everything you've got." Jaune said to the three before the dragon roared again.


Jude Arc waved to her butler.

"Hobbs, it's good to see you." She said as she hugged him.

"And it is good to see hat your health has improved since we last saw each other." Hobbs replied, giving her a gracious smile.

"Jaune surprised me. We would have been back sooner but I wanted to see where he was at." Jude replied.

"Should you not be helping them at Vale, M'lady?"

"They will not need me. After all, Jaune's current power is equivalent to a rank 60 huntsman. Once he awakens however..."

"Pardon. Did you say 'Awakens'? As in Awakening his true strength, just like his mother?"

"Indeed. Once he awakens, nothing will stop him. Not even Salem herself. This is all without his semblance. Shall I tell you it, Hobbs?"


Jaune flew towards the dragon, his sword covered in a golden light.

"Take THIS!" Jaune shouted as he swung his sword, narrowly dodging the bite of the dragon and cutting it's wing off.

"Now, Pyrrha! Ren!" Jaune shouted as he turned around and surveyed the scene. Nora had already launched the two, Ren spinning with his green blades pointed outward. He managed to cut the other wing off, sending the dragon plummeting. Pyrrha came after, her sword glowing with bright flames.

"Second Semblance, Heroic Slash!" Pyrrha shouted as she fired the flames from her sword, cutting he head off the dragon. The three crashed into the ground, exhausted from he fight.

"We did it!" Jaune shouted with happiness. Nora tackled Ren with glee and Pyrrha returned Jaune's smile.

Right before the arrow pierced her heart.

"The Tale Of Jaune Arc" : An ArKos fanfic! (AU)Where stories live. Discover now