The Tale Of Possession

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Ill update more frequently. 


"Pyrrha!" Jaune shouted, his hands cupped around his lips in a desperate attempt to reach his friend's ears. Ren and Nora did so as well, having awoken and quickly help Jaune. Nora's wounds had healed earlier thanks to a lightning storm that had passed by, super charging her semblance and aura. Ren's wounds were still slowly healing, but there was nothing fatal.

They suddenly turned their heads as they heard Pyrrha scream in pain.


Pyrrha held her singed left hand with her unharmed right hand, tenderly. The skin had been melted away by an acid blast from the Hydra, Pyrrha having sacrificed her shield in a desperate attempt to protect herself. Now, she was at the mercy of the Hydra in front of her. Her sword was to her right, a distance away hrs she would not cover before the Hydra's attack would kill her. She'd managed to slice off another head on her own, almost taking out the last head but failing to do so.

The Hydra roared in victory above her, spreading its great wings and launching itself into the air. It suddenly fired another blast of acid., this one aimed at Pyrrha.

The red-haired warrior thought of using her semblance to return her blade to her, but it wouldn't matter. How would a small blade be able to block a blast of acid?

"Pyrrha!" Jaune shouted as she came into view, he saw the blast of acid hurling towards her, knowing full well that he wouldn't make it in time to save her. She shook her head quickly, as if telling him not to save her, to finish off the Hydra. Without her.

The acid blast suddenly exploded, covering Pyrrha.

Or so Jaune thought.

"So this is where you children have been hiding." Glynda Goodwitch said as the acid dropped down from a visible purple-glowing shield protected her and Pyrrha from certain death.

"Miss Goodwitch?" Ren exclaimed.

"But- But-. You're supposed to be dead!" Nora exclaimed, waving her arms. Glynda Goodwitch smiled to herself.

"Of course I was supposed to be. However, as you can see, I am very much alive." Glynda suddenly turned back towards the Hydra, a viscous look in her eyes.

"Now move back children." She said as a faint purple glow suddenly emitted from her Riding Crop.


"To think that these children nearly killed a Hydra on their own." Glynda thought as the five sat around a campfire, made by Nora. The night had fallen and most of the five had gone to sleep.

"If they continue to work together, in three years time Qrow wouldn't stand a chance."

"Hey um.... Miss Goodwitch?" Jaune awkwardly asked out of nowhere. This surprised Glynda as she thought everyone was fast asleep.

"Yes?" She replied.

"I... I'm glad you're alive." Jaune said before turning away from her. Although no one dou do see it, Glynda smiled.

"So am I."


Cinder rolled her eyes at the person before her.

"So what if they killed one Hydra? We still have plenty!" One of her newer henchmen argued. She sat at the long table, not at the head seat but next to it. That seat was reserved for their goddess, their savior how had yet to arrive in Vale.

"It was four children, Raziel. It shows that we have underestimated Beacon's students." Hazel said in reply.

"That doesn't matter! What matters is that the Hydra could have killed all three had it not been for the intervention of Glynda Goodwitch!" Raziel shouted back. Cinder suddenly peeked up at this.

"I thought you killed her, Hazel?" Cinder asked menacingly.

"Of course I did. I blew a hole right through her."

"Then I must ask you, how is she alive?" Cinder asked, her hand suddenly lighting on fire. Someone behind her answered, sending a chill down her spine. She had arrived.

"It is simple. Ozpin gave the witch a hand." Salem said as she entered the room, a silent hush befalling the group.

"And Cinder? Remember that, even though you rank higher than those around you, you are still subject to listen to them." Salem said as she sat one in her chair. Someone else came into the room, dragging an unconscious body behind him.

"Ah, Tyrian. Am I correct in assuming that you completed your mission?" Salem asked.

In response, Tyrian smiled widely and threw an unconscious Ruby Rose on the table.

"Of course, my goddess. I would never fail."

"Very well done. I have a mission for you again." Salem said to him. She suddenly looked at Hazel.

"You and Hazel are going to find Glynda and the four children who killed the Hydra and bring them to me. Dead. Or alive." Tyrian bowed.

"I believe I alone should suffice." He said.

"Do not underestimate our opponents. If two of the elite five were to align and combine their powers, even I would be in danger. Hazel will kill the witch while you handle the children. Is that understood?" Salem asked.


"How long do you think it will take to achieve this mission?"

"Two days, at the most."

"I want you to take our.... Experiment and use him to hunt. Observe how well he does, then eliminate the targets. Understood?" Salem said.



"Glynda." A male's voice called out. Glynda suddenly awoke from the ground, quickly sitting up. Her Riding Crop was already in her hands, pointing in the direction of the voice.

Ren had been on watch, switching with Glynda several hours ago. He was wide awake, already on his feet facing the direction that the voice came from as well.

"It's a beast. I can't make out it's shape." Ren said, his sharp eyes darting back and forth in front of him, attempting to make out the beast.

"Wake the others. I'll deal with the beast. Our position is no longer safe." Glynda said, her strained voice making Ren move quicker. She knew what type of beast it was, having fought against it earlier.

A possession type grimm. The male voice from earlier called her name again, sending a shudder up her spine.

"You're still possessed, Ozpin?" 

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