The Tale Of ForeverFall (Pt.2)

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This chapter is so overdue.

Jude stared in awe at how Jaune fought with the winged tiger. He fought almost perfectly, giving ground to the tiger in order to dodge the beast's paws. His skill had far improved since he begun training under Pyrrha, but there were flaws.

Jaune don't continually backed up, giving the beast more room. By doing this, the strength of the beast's strikes decreased dramatically, its vast strength having to stretch far more than usual. The enormous winged tiger stood a full four feet above him, continually swiping at Jaune. His shield absorbed all of the beast's strength, leaving no scratches on Jaune.

The tiger suddenly leaped forward, intending to use it's weight as the final factor it needed.

In preparation, Jaune smirked. Not smiled as he usually would have, but smirked. Jaune quickly side-stepped, holding his blade out to the right so that as the beast jumped forward his blade dug itself deep into its side, creating a jagged scar as the beast leaped forward.

The tiger suddenly fell forward, screaming in pain. As it turned around, Jaune rushed forward and slashed at the beast's throat, killing it completely.

"Well..... well done, Jaune." Jude said, astonished.


-1 Week Later-

Jaune entered the academy walls once again, feeling like he was finally back home. His shield had various amounts of blood and claw marks, his clothes following suit. His face had a large smile as he made his way back to his old dorm room. Many students he passed stared at him in wild disbelief, their mind not believing what their eyes had seen.

Finally, he was at the door that had allowed him to reach the height that he was at now. He suddenly lost the courage to open the door, hesitating as his hand hovered in front of the door.

'What if..... What if everything's changed? What if this isn't my dorm? What if they've already replaced me? What if..... What if I'm still not good enough to be on their team?' Jaune thought to himself. Just like when he first personally met Pyrrha, the door swung open. Given that the hallway was only lit by the now setting sun, the light emanating from the room cast Pyrrha with a golden light, as if she'd been sent by heaven itself. The Spartan-dressed female was laughing as she turned her head to look at Jaune, the smile fading from her face at his sudden arrival.

"Heh.... Uh...... Hi." Jaune said sheepishly, still awestruck at Pyrrha's beauty.

"Pyrrha, who is it?" A male called from the room. Ren quickly came to her, nothing her silence. Pyrrha suddenly shot forward, followed by Nora and Ren who all tackled him to the floor.

"Jaune!" The three shouted, laughing while Jaune cried a mix of pain and laughs as well.

'Nothing changed. Nothing has.' Jaune thought amidst the group hug.


"Did your aunt Jude come back with you?" Pyrrha asked eagerly after Jaune had taken a shower

He took like, 72 goddamnned showers. He smelled like someone had taken a dump in a nuclear wasteland and then packed that dump into a bag and kept if for six years.


And changed into a fresh set of clothes.

"She's fine, haha. I'm just kind of disappointed in myself for forgetting clothes." Jaune said, laughing nervously.

"Wait..... You forgot to bring extra clothes....... Does that mean....." Nora suddenly glanced at Jaune's clothes which had been purposefully drenched to hide the smell.

"Yep. I wore the same clothes for a week straight."

"Oh no." Ren said, groaning.

"What?" Jaune asked, confused.

"Jaune, while you were gone Nora contracted a fear of 'bad smells' from when she found out that her favorite bug, the Dung Beetle, eats poop." Ren explained, covering his ears.

Nora suddenly exploded, pulling her hammer Magnild and using it to violently strike at his clothes. Ren removed his hands from his ears, turning to Pyrrha.

"Your turn, Pyrrha." Ren said simply. Pyrrha nodded, although shakily. Pyrrha then drew her shield and quickly used her semblance to suspend Magnild in the air as Nora charged her swing upwards.

"Hey! What the- Pyrrha! I'm trying to crush the smell!" Nora complained before Pyrrha quickly hit her on the head lightly with her shield, knocking her out.

"So uhh..... What's for lunch today?" Jaune asked, casually forgetting the scene before him.

"The Tale Of Jaune Arc" : An ArKos fanfic! (AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora