The Tale Of Jaune Arc, Trash Of Beacon (Pt.2)

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Jaune hesitated slightly, losing his courage to open the door. What if Ren had lied to him and it was merely an ambush? Rem wouldn't do that, would he? After all, Ren was his closest friend.

He wouldn't lie to Jaune, right?


The door opened in front of him, revealing a girl he knew and had seen multiple times.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was jus-" the girl froze upon seeing him.

"Oh. Jaune. Hello there, Ren has told me very much about you." The girl greeted.

"H-Hi, Pyrrha." Jaune nervously replied.

"You know my name?" Pyrrha asked, mildly surprised.

"Of course. Who doesn't know your name at Beacon?" Jaune joked slightly.

"I suppose." Pyrrha agreed.

"Pyrrha! I need help with the PANDAS!!! They're attacking me!! Gah! Helllpppp!!!!" Nora playfully shouted from inside the room.

"I'm coming, Nora!" Pyrrha shouted back. She then turned to Jaune, smiling widely.

"Come on in. You can choose your bed, but be careful. Nora bites sometimes." Pyrrha revealed the bite mark on her right shoulder, proof that she wasn't lying.

Jaune walked into the room, following Pyrrha's orders.

When he walked into that room, a single thought hit his mind.

"Goodbye Trash, hello Golden Trash."

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