The Tale Of Golden Trash (Pt.1) : "The Clear Nova Butterfly"

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"Jaune?" An angelic voice asked, echoing in Jaune's ears. He could faintly see the color of red, but he couldn't quite make out the person itself.

"Jaune." The voice echoed again, this time more sternly.

"Yes, Angel?" Jaune replied drunkenly. The voice giggled, placing her right hand over her lisp for some unexplained reason. That small movement woke Jaune up, forcing him to slam his head into the upper bunk of Ren's.

"Gah- OW!" Jaune nearly knocked himself out once again, using both of his hands to cover his forehead ; the area of impact.

"Although I'll thank you for the compliment, I suggest you wake up. We'll be late for first period at this rate."

"Wah? Oh right. Class." Jaune blushed deeply, slowly getting off his bed and beginning his morning routine.


Jaune sat at his desk in Grimm Studies, a class he gravely hated. The class was very boring, as the teacher whom was known as Ms.Peach constantly talked about anything but the class topic.

"Oh dear god, please end this torture now." Jaune thought to himself. A paper ball suddenly slammed him in the back of the head, the thrower obviously being Cardin. He heard the snicker of the group, followed by whispering.

Then another paper ball hit his head. And another. And four more. And finall-

"CARDIN WOULD YOU STOP THROWING PAPER BALLS AT MY HEAD!?" Jaune shouted, slamming his palms on his desk and getting to his feet. It took him the whole of three seconds to realize what he'd done.

"Oh crabicles."

"What did you say?" Cardin asked, slowly standing. His posse followed his movements, a scowl on all of their faces.

"Mr.Arc. Mr.Winchester. Mr.Winchester's friends who look very stupid. Please stay after class. Now, where was I? Ah, yes. So there I was, in...."


"Jaune. Is everything alright?" Pyrrha asked when Jaune returned to their dorm later that night.

"Yeah. Everything's fine, Pyrrha. Thanks for asking." Jaune replied, clearly uninterested. Pyrrha struggled with herself, unsure if she should continue pushing the conversation.

"Hey... Pyrrha....." Jaune asked slowly, breaking her train of thought.

"Yes, Jaune?" Pyrrha replied from her top bunk as Jaune climbed into his bottom bunk and stared openly at the underside of Pyrrha's bed.

"Never mind." Jaune said after a brief pause.

"Okay then, Jaune." Pyrrha politely replied.

"Not like it would do me any good anyway. I'm trash, and there's no advancing."


"Nora, wake up Jaune for me please. I have to go and meet with Ms.Glynda." Pyrrha called as she walked through the door, exiting their dorm. Nora smiled evilly, then slowly hauled herself up to Jaune's level. He was sleeping soundly, purring almost when Nora suddenly shouted in his ear.


"Gac- WHAT!? WHAT HAPPENED!? ARE WE BEING ROBBED!?" Jaune shouted quickly, hopping to his feet. Nora died of laughter, crying basically.

"No-... Nothing..... Pyrrha..... Wanted me to.... Wake you up." Nora said in between pauses of uncontrollable laughter.

"Uhhh." Jaune groaned, holding his head. He'd smacked his head on Pyrrha's bunk, just like last time and this one gave him a huge headache.

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