The woman calls to the king. Her voice is melodious and sweet. Her eyes deep and expressive, and her features beyond the restriction of mere words. She is magnificent. She is more than a queen, she is an Empress of the Heavens, a fallen star. The king is shaking with hope for her. He wishes to his core for her to be his queen. Now he has met her, he knows he can love no other. He is willing to do anything to have her as his own. Never before has he been second to anyone, but even in his humiliation he is aroused by the challenge laid before him. He is less than her in every way, but he believes he is deserving of her. He believes she has come to him, for was he not wishing for one such as her when he found this sacred glade?

She smiles a little, as though she can hear his thoughts. With gentle movements she approaches the king's exhausted horse and places her hand upon its hanging head. Her eyes light up for a moment as she connects with the horse, and soon it is refreshed, dancing and snorting in its excitement to ride out. The king marvels at her ability, for he has never been able to cure illness or injury, merely conceal it. He dismounts and finds his voice, begging her to accompany him to his palace where she might share her knowledge with him.

With a gentle inclination of her head, she accedes to accompany him to his palace, but just for one day and one night. He is triumphant. To bring her before his subjects, to stand beside her as king of his realm, fills him with hunger. Never will his subjects doubt his power when they see he has brought back beings such as these. His determination to make her his queen is paramount, he can think of nothing else. He steals a glance at her as he lifts her up onto his horse, who whinnies with delight at her presence. The king's heart skips a beat when her eyes meet his, as deep as the waters of the magical pool. He is completely lost to her.

He leads the horse back to the palace, proud of the perfection of his kingdom, knowing this heavenly creature cannot help but love his home and wish to stay. Behind him her honor guard follow in silence, powerful energy emanating from them, their eyes neither approving or disapproving. The king chooses to ignore them; they are her slaves, with no purpose but to obey the wave of her hand. She has chosen him and has come to him. He is confident in his prowess and beauty. He smiles as he plans her seduction. He will use the greatest of his powers to pull her to him. He will not lose her. He has never failed before, and he will not fail now.

The king enters his palace and orders the grandest celebration the kingdom has ever known, with acrobats, contortionists, dancers and magicians to delight all and sundry. At the banquet tables, a feast is laid out and the best wines pour from the fountains. Birds of every colour fly among the revelers, their songs competing with the musicians over the guests' excited chatter and speculation. All eyes stray to the king's table, where he presides in his glorious finery, his arms, head and throat adorned with gold and jewels; a white silk kilt wrapped around his hips, his muscular chest bare. His whole attention is focused on the glorious apparition seated beside him. She smiles, eats, drinks, and nods with approval at the tricks of the conjuring artists. Her guards stand to each side of her behind her seat, to the right of the king, silent and detached, more glorious in appearance than even the king. His subjects see the king is ignoring them, and apart from the younger and more impressionable guests, so do the rest.

At midnight, a display of magnificent fireworks set to music conjured by the king's magic is seen across the skies. It is a testament of his love for her, sweeping and powerful, the passion of the king played out in the starry heavens above. His subjects tremble at this display of love; all are moved to tears. The music swells and they feel as if their souls are being pulled into a dance with him, where he commands the steps and decides the fate of his partner. At the end, there is not one female who does not desire the king, but the Lady of the Heavens only smiles and turns away with her men to proceed to her lodgings for the night. Hiding his dismay, the king sweeps her a gallant bow, and as she passes them by, his subjects fall to their knees, worshiping her.

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