"And what if we were?" Reina smiled.

"I just hope you're getting the facts right." Jaebum said. "Oh! By the way, Aria, I'm cool to rehearse tonight, if you want. You can come by my place, or I can swing by yours."

"I won't be home, so you can come to our place." Reina smirked.

"Great! I'll be there at 7:30, is that okay?"

"Fine by me."

"Great. I'll see you later."

"Later." I said as I watched him go. "Why'd you have to tell him, you weren't going to be home?" I grumbled.

"Because you guys don't need distractions. I was helping you out. Are you afraid to be alone with him?"

"It's not that. It's just---the last time we were alone something happened."

"And by something you mean?"

"He kissed me." Reina's eyes widened and a huge smirk graces her face and she leans closer into the table.

"He kissed you?! When?"

"At the club over the weekend. We were dancing and one thing led to another and we made out." I said nonchalantly, but my heart was beating as fast as a bullet train.

"Damn. Aria, that boy likes you."

"Yeah, he does. He told me, when we went out in the hallway." I blushed.

Reina held in a moderate squeal and leaned back in towards me. "You can't let him get away."

"That's not going to happen. At least, I hope it's not."

Reina and I finish lunch and I head to my next class for the day. As I'm walking, I get a text from Jaebum.

Jaebum: Can't wait to see you tonight.

I smile to myself and answer with a 'Me too.' I continue walking to class and then sit in a Geography lecture for the next hour. Class drags by and I'm paying attention, but I just can't take the monotone voice the professor had. Can't he be a little more excited about the topic? I glance down at my phone and see another text from Jaebum.

Jaebum: Are you in class right now?

Aria: Yeah. I'm in lecture. Could you not text me right now?

Jaebum: Am I distracting you?

Aria: Honestly, the teacher is so monotone, I want to fall asleep

Jaebum: You could always leave

Aria: I don't skip class. Besides I need this class for my last Gen Ed

Jaebum: Didn't take you as the studious type. I like it.

Aria: Whatever

Aria: Seriously. You need to stop texting me

Jaebum: What's the professor gonna do? Take your phone? What are you in HS?

Aria: I'm serious Jaebum

Jaebum: Are you begging me to stop?

Aria: Yes

Jaebum: Ok. I like it when you beg.

For some reason after that text, I felt my face heat up and I put my phone away. I listen to the rest of the lecture and take decent notes and the class is finally over. I pack my stuff up and leave the classroom and head back to my apartment.

"Hey Aria!" I turn around and see Momo and Elise walking towards me. Momo was sporting blonde locks than her usual brown and it looked so good on her. Elise was rocking two large puffs and the rest of her hair was down. "Hey Momo. Hey Elise. How are you guys?"

"Good! Did you just get out of class?" Elise asked me.

"Yeah, I'm heading home."

"Is Reina home?" Momo asked.

"Maybe, but not for very long. Why?"

"No reason, just curious." Momo blushed. Momo has a crush on Reina. I personally think, she should go for it, but she's afraid she'll get rejected, which I completely understand. I walk back with Elise and Momo and we catch Reina about to leave the apartment.

"Hey, I'm back." I said as I walked in.

"Hey. I'm heading to dance company." Reina said.

"See you later."

"Hey Elise! Hi Momo!" Reina said with a smile. Momo blushes and says "Hello."

"Are you ready for tryouts?" Reina asked Momo.

"Yeah. I'm a little nervous." Momo said.

"As good as you are? You got it in the bag!" Reina smiled.

"Thanks. It means a lot." Momo smiled. Reina grabs Momo's hand and I thought Momo was going to faint on the spot. "We'll see you guys later!" Reina said as she dragged Momo out of our apartment.

Elise giggles and sits down on my couch. "She is too cute. So, how have you been Aria?"

"You know, everything, but nothing." I giggled.

"I heard that you finally talked to Jaebum."

"Where'd you hear that?" I asked surprised. "Jackson told me. You know, he's like my best friend, right?"

"You mean your 'boyfriend'?" I smirked. Elise pouts, but she knows I'm right. "You know he likes you too, right? He practically clings to you."

"He does that with everyone!"

"Yeah yeah."

"I wish that you can stay, but Jaebum's coming over, so we can go over our scene for Acting II."

"You guys are scene partners?!" Elise said surprised.


"Then let me get out of your way! Have fun, but not too much fun." Elise winked.

"Yeah yeah." I lead Elise out of my apartment and change into something that doesn't scream that I'm trying too hard. I change into a pair of leggings and throw on a sweatshirt. I do a couple readings for my history course and then read through the script a few times and look for beat changes.

Around 7:20PM, I get a text from Jaebum saying he was on his way. What if something happens again? Last time we were alone, not including earlier in the day, we made out. Will that happen again? Will he act professional? As I'm thinking of these questions, there's a knock on my door.

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