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Mark ran as fast as his tired legs could go,well caring an unconscious Yugyeom in his arms. Mark finely got to the hospital, with Yugyeom.

"I can I have some help over here?"

Mark yelled as he was also crying really hard when he ran though the doors of the emergency room.

"OMG sir come here now before he bleeds out. Here here."

The women at the front desk said to Mark as she is gesturing to come over near her.

"What's his name?"

"Yugyeom, Kim Yugyeom. Can you help him? Is he going to be ok?"

Mark asked as you was trying so hard not to cry even more then he already was.

"Yes,his going to be in goof hands."

"Thank you"

1 hour past and no one came to tell Mark any more news about Yugyeom the other boys were here now and we're trying to make Mark eat and clam down, but Mark was just to worried about his boyfriend. He loves Yugyeom and he might not all ways tell Yugyeom that but he means the world to Mark and having Yugyeom hart it's killing Mark from the inside out. Mark don't know what to do because Yugyeom's parents haven't talked to him ever sense he told them that they were dating.

Mark called Yugyeom's parents and told them what happen and they immediately rushed to the hospital.

"This is all your fault my baby is hart and in the hospital because of you Mark Tuan. You did this!!"

Yugyeom's mom yelled at Mark as she was balling her eyes out.

"Mrs.Kim,Mark didn't do anything to your son. Mark has been crying and worrying about Yugyeom out of anyone here. Mark cares so much about your son that he hasn't stopped crying. Mark and Yugyeom have gone though so much already and if your just going to yell and blame Mark for all of this I think you should leave because I don't think Yugyeom would appreciate you batting his boyfriend even more then he already is, so I would suggest you to LEAVE NOW!!"

Jb and Jinyoung say to Mrs.Kim, when JB and Jinyoung were talking(more like yelling) to Mrs.Kim a nurse came out of Yugyeom's room and walked over to Mark.

"Mr.Tuan you may see Mr.Kim now. Just fallow me."

"Thank you."

Mark fallows the nurse down the hall to Yugyeom's room.

"Thank you again."

"Your so very welcome, I'll leave you two alone now."

The nurse leaves the room for the two boy to be alone. Mark turns and
Looks at Yugyeom with more tears in his eyes.

"Baby,don't cry. Come here."

Mark walks over to Yugyeom and sites down next to him and hugs the younger boy.

"This is all my fault, I'm so sorry babe."

"No it not, this isn't your fault at all,baby"

"Yes, it is if I di-"

Mark was cut off by Yugyeom pulling him in to a deep and passionate kiss. Yugyeom pulled away from the kiss after some time and put there foreheads together.

"It's not your fault it knows fault."


"No But's"

"You now I love you,right Mark?"


"Then be with me."

"What do you mean?"

"Have a family with me, let's be together."

"I'm not says that we shouldn't but maybe we should wait some time before we take that big of a step,ok?"

"Ok baby,I'll wait as long as it takes because I love you more then anything."

'Because your my everything Mark Tuan.'

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


My Paradise//Mark X Yugyeom//जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें