"Wow," I gasp, everything looks so amazing in the fairy lights, like a true festival should. 

"Look at all the different food!" squeals Eve flying around the different stalls showing all sorts of cuisine. 

"And all the games!," giggles Yami. "Come on let's go!" yanking on my hand Yami pulls Uron and me to the nearest game, it's Ring Toss or Wanage as I've heard some people call it. "I wanna play this one!" 

"Uh sure, how much is it to play sir?," I question getting ready to grab my jewel pouch that I keep strapped to my thigh. 

Uron and the man running the game both snicker, "Miss here on Jigoku we share everything so we have no need for currency, so everything you see here is free for everyone to enjoy," the man running the game explains. 

"Really?," I gasp surprised, "I've never been to a festival like this before then, everything costs money during the ones I go to." The man only chuckles and hands Yami five rings, Yami squeals and aims carefully throwing them. Even with all her careful aim though she can't get one ring around any of the bottles. 

"This is impossible!" she whines. 

"Can I try?," I inquire the man, he nods and hands me the 5 rings. I toss them perfectly onto the bottles with no problem. 

"That was cool Ange-sama!," gasps Yami looking at the rings. 

"Yes very impressive, this game is pretty hard," also appraises Uron. 

"Uh, it was nothing honestly, I used to play this game all the time at the festivals in Magnolia so I've just had a lot of practice," I shrug my blush from earlier returning. Ugh, why am I getting so flustered all of a sudden? 

"Well here's your prize anyway," the man hands me a red and blue dragon plushie and I grin immediately thinking of Natsu, he would always tell me that he was raised by a dragon, no one really believed him, but I always did. 

"Thank you!," I call as we all walk away from the stall, "here Yami," I hand her the dragon plushie and her eyes widen. 

"You're really giving this to me?!," she gasps taking the plushie. 

"Yep, I think you would make a better friend for him than I would," Yami squeals cuddling the dragon plushie. The rest of the night we played more games and won prizes like a fish plushie for Eve and a rose flower crown headband that Uron won for me from a strength tester. We also tried all sorts of different foods and desserts some really spicy and others really sweet. Eventually, Yami fell asleep and Uron helped me bring her back to the hut, after bidding good night to him I fell asleep excited for day two of the festival. 


I wake up with a heavy weight on my side, "wake up! Wake up!," screams Yami into my ear, I groan and roll over, since when does she get up before I do?

"5 more minutes," I grumble pulling the blanket over my head.

"Come on Ange-sama get up! Mr. Uron is here with breakfast and the second day of the festival is starting soon!," whines Yami, Uron is here with breakfast? Why did he bring us breakfast when we have a fridge full of food?

"Alright, alright," I yawn and sit up looking at the excited dark haired girl in her lavender eyes. I still haven't asked her about her magic or anything yet, I really should get on that, although now that I think about it, she is a lot like Natsu with the motion sickness and the flying cat, maybe she has the same powers as him to...? Nah. 

"The fighting festival is today Ange-sama, are you going to enter it?!," she questions excitedly. "You'd totally win! I bet you're really strong!" Me? Strong? Well, I did beat both Natsu and Gray in a fist to fist fight like the tournament is going to be, but I could never beat Erza. Erza has the will of a million dragons though, so I doubt anyone has beaten her before. 

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