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"Take care of her. Please." Harley looked down at the baby girl in her arms. "I want her to have a normal life."
"Oh, Harleen, I know one thing for sure, this girl will never have a normal life, but I'll try to give her a safe one."
   Harley looked up to her sister, tears shining in her bright blue eyes, "Thank you Constance, for everything." She took one more look at her baby girl and whispered, "I love you Lucy and I'm sure Mista J would too, if he knew." Then the harlequin gave her beautiful child to her sister, and left.


"I don't know what you're going on about puddin." Harley says swiveling around and around in a spin chair. She surveyed an angry Clown Prince basically breaking her door with how much force he pushed it open with.
My own child, the words overshadowed all of the other voices in her head, making the blood drain from her already bleach white skin.
"How did you find out?" She said in a small voice.
"You're not even going to try to deny it? Not even going pretend you never lied to my face." Joker hissed into her face as he creeped forward.
She didn't know how to reply so she just looked down and repeated, "How did you find out?" in the same small voice.
He studied her for a couple seconds to long then forced her head to look at him and smiled that unsettling but oh so endearing smile and whispered, "Your sister doesn't usually send us letters in the mail. I thought I'd take a look at what she had to say." He pushed her away and slapped a white, open envelope onto the desk so hard it made her jump.
He started to laugh and pace, all the while muttering through his hysterics "A child, a child, a child! A daughter no less! Oh what did you name her?" He stopped pacing and laughing as he gestured to the letter, a grin still on his face. "Lucy Ace? Veeeerrrry fitting. And I do have to give you points for giving her both of our last names. CLASSIC."
He turned away from her and put both hands on the windowsill, looking out, "How old is she now?" The unhinged tone of his voice slipped away from him and seemed to turn almost wistful.
Harley, who had watched his episode shock still and silently, unraveled her hands which had been clenched into fists and shakily said, "Seven, since last month. The 8th"
"February 8th, 7 years." He whipped around and pinned her small 5"4 body to the wall of their hideout, she yelped and he growled, "You kept this secret from me for seven years!"
She slowly looked up at him and saw the look on his face. She knew she should be frightened but she wasn't. She looked him straight in his clear green eyes and said her truth, "I was protecten her puddin. Growing up in a world of crime isn't healthy for a baby, I looked it up. I didn't want her dropped on her head by some nincompoop henchmen or moronic minion. I was just so worried about her not having any friends." She could see his bleached features softening. "I was just tryin to do the right thing puddin, please don't be mad."
He looked at her hard then let her go. "Oh, Harls you know I can never stay mad at you, my little Pumpkin Pie" She heaved a sigh of relief and smiled. "But if you EVER lie to me again you will be out on your ass faster then you can ever even utter an apology." He snapped at her, then he smiled. "Well, better go have Frost bring car around."
She looked at him confused, "I don't remember planin to go anywhere tonight?"
He gave her a look like it should be obvious. "Well, I think it's time our girly came home, don't you think? We've wasted to much time already!"
She tried to protest but he interrupted, "No ones going to drop her, I'm hoping she can walk on her own by now right?" He let out a laugh. "That little girl is going to be the biggest plan I will ever make. The bat will never see it coming." He looked at the worried look on his Queens face. "Besides I've always wanted a family."
The genuine look on his face was all the convincing Harley needed.
"Please don't kill my sister."


Constance didn't know who to expect when she opened the door to her apartment. She did not at all expect to see the Clown Prince of Crime in all of his purple suited glory smiling pleasantly at her, hand in hand with her crazy sister.
"Hello there Conny, I just wanted to thank you for babysitting the past couple years but I think Harley and I both agree the girl should come home now."
She was caught so off guard all she could do was look at her sister and ask, "What?" When Harley just responded with a smile, Constance finally caught on to what was happening. "You can't be serious!"
"Oh, I'm never serious." The Joker says pushing past her into her flat. "Nice place you got here Conny, very modern." He says as he looks around then he turns his piercing green eyes onto her, "So where is she?" He asks expectantly.
She looks to Harley hesitantly, "Are you sure Harleen?"
Harley looks behind her to Joker then back to her and smiles softly, "It's time."
Constance gives her a long look then nods and turns to Joker who smiled warmly at her, "She's taking a nap in her bedroom, 2nd door to the left."
"Good woman Conny, good woman. Come along now Pumpkin it's the start of a new Era." Joker gestured for Harley to join him and she walked to him. Together the ventured down the hallway alone and only she saw how he hesitated at the doorknob and then opened it anyway.
They looked down at the sleeping child they had somehow conceived.
"She looks just like you." He breathed grinning ear to ear, "Your hair, your nose, and your pretty little chin."
"She has your lips and your ears. Already has our completion, no acid bath for her." She says smiling, he laughs consciously trying to be quiet and failing, but the girl still sleeps. "But wait until you see her eyes."
He had had enough of waiting and walked over to her bed and gently shook her. "Get up Lucy."
The girl stirred.
She opened her eyes.
One blue, one green.
Both piercing.
Both gorgeous.
She stared up at him for a long time, and then, "I like your tattoos."
His face breaks into a smile and so does Harley's. He starts to hysterically laugh and when he finally calms down she says, "I like your laugh too." She looks out the hallway like she's checking something then looks back to Joker and whispers, "When I laugh like that Auntie Conny tells me to stop." She looks down, "She tells me to stop a lot. Has me take these tube things to make me stop."
Harley steps forward and kneels down to the bed, "Well, suga, how would you feel about going someplace where no ones going to tell you to stop."
The little girls face lights up and she nods rapidly. Then she looks down shyly, "You're really pretty."
Harley gives her a big toothy smile, "Thank you suga. How bout you start packing all your things k?"
She gets up eagerly then pauses, "Who are you?" She looks up at them, those piercing eyes wide.
Joker smiles a big wide smile at her, "Call us Mommy and Daddy."


A/N I really hope you guys like this it's 2am right now and my hand is cramping up, but I really like this. Keep your seatbelt on its about to get a lot darker. There will be more villain kids but Lucy is the main one. There will be a big leap next chapter to Lucy being 15 years old. Just to give you a time line this is the beginning of Joker and Harley's relationship and batman started prowling the city a few years ago, Lucy is about the same age as Dick Grayson and Wally West. I will try to get all my chapters to over 1000 words but I don't know a schedule yet. This is my first story so just hang on ok.

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