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This is it. The big deal. I'm going to make big money out of this and I' m going to buy my mama a house. This is the breakthrough I've been waiting for. Now all I need to do is to deliver this merchandise and return with the big money. It's either I do this or I die. Chase got my back. He is the one that introduced me to these big guys and this life. He is my boyfriend and I believe that he loves me like he said he does.

I have no qualification nor anything that could get me a proper job. I know what these people are doing to me is wrong. What do I have to lose. It is either they kill my mom and I end up motherless and lonely in this miserable life. I'm just a worthless prostitute.

"So remember we will chaperone you to the airport and you will have to do exactly as discussed. Once you get to the destination there will be someone waiting for you. Just do as you are told. Any question."

"Wouldn't I get caught.  Aren't the dogs to sniff the sh*t out. What about the camera's or sensor things. You know I could be in big trouble considering the fact that I'm a prostitute."

"If you do things exactly as planned you will be fine. We will take care of your mama. Now go and get ready missy." A guy in a black leather jacket wearing a spotty said. He was really dark compared to the other guys in here. He was holding a glass of whisky and I couldn't make out his eyes.

I scarried down the empty hall to a different room to refreshen. Got my bag, check. I'm out of here. They gave me some money and a note, which I was strictly instructed not to open. This is it. My door to being happy.

I've been feeling a little sick nowadays. It might be the nervousness of shipping drugs to the other country. I think I will be going to Nigeria. Mmm how exciting. At least I should try being happy about going out of southern Africa and exploring the rest of the world. Instead of me sulking and feeling guilty about all this.

"Come on. You will miss your flight." Chase said as he entered the car. Turns out he will be the one dropping me to the airport.

I got dressed as a pregnant woman. My mission to Nigeria is to meet my 'husband' the father of the baby. I have a fency big pink bag. I'm like the spoiled rich and physically struggling mother to be with big belly in my way so I will be really clumsy. That's part of the plan.

"So Chase. Won't you mis me." I asked Chase and he looked at the rear mirror to look at me.

"I will mis you obviously. You are my baby you know." I was content at his answer but somehow the things he did or say didn't seem genuine.  It's like it's all an act. What if he is using me. I mean who would fall in love with a prostitute.

I'm just a bit paranoid probably because of the trip. I have to get my grip together. We reached the airport in a matter of seconds. I got my act together and Chase opened up the the door for me and took out my bag acting as the 'driver'.

"Call you tonight okay. Do everything exactly as told and you will be fine. I will tell your mama that you have gone away for some job training. Just breath and at least try looking pregant." I changed my body structure to that of a pregnant woman and checked myself in the window mirror to make sure that there weren't any clothes falling under my belly.

"K. See you then."  I almost hugged him but he held out his hand.

Chase brought my bag out and left me on my own on the door to the airport. Okay let do this.

There was one lad who offered to help me but I politely rejected his help. My goal was to fly out of south Africa.

As I got out I went to the Secretary desk to ask about my flight and they told me that it will be here in about 20 minutes.

The time arrived and it was time to pass through security. "Mam please come closer." The security man asked in a deep scary voice. I stepped closer and handed my suit case to a machine that will bring it out on the other side. I walked separately through a rectangular sensor machine.

There was a big beeping alarm and people rushed to my side. They opened my bag and searched through it. There was nothing. Only my clothes and keys. Metal keys. The man pulled them out and asked what they were for. Damn it.

"Oh those. They are for my husband in Nigeria." I'm a pathetic liar.

"Please step aside mam." I stepped away from my bag as they were about to search me.

"Ou!" If they were going to uncover my fake belly. I won't go down without a 'fight' if I should put it like that.

"Are you okay mam."

"Oh my. I think I'm having contractions."

"Should we call an ambulance?" One of the man asked. I could see the frightened and caring face in their faces.


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