Welcome. Now Read This.

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So, if you entered this book because of the title and description and you're interested, you're a complete sinner and I love you already.

If you entered this book accidentally and have no idea what stuff like 'BDSM' or 'kinkiness' are... My advice? Run as fast as you can in the other direction because I do not want another person's damned soul on my hands.

If you entered this book because you know me in real life and want to know what I spend all my time typing while hanging out with y'all, get out now. I do mean now. If you come to me the next day saying, "Oh, you wrote (insert sinful thing I typed)" and "Jesus you're weird"... I did warn you beforehand, so stop whining. 

Consider yourself warned, people. 

I will update whenever I feel like getting some *cough* masochistic personalities off my hands.

Feel free to leave requests either in the comments, or PM (Private Message) me! I am hungry for any ideas, anytime, anywhere, probably not anything.

Thanks for reading this introduction and I will see you... in the next chapter.

-Fire ^~^

No I am not being held against my will and forced to write a kinky AF book while there are three other books going on right now what are you talking about can I go now

smutsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora