The Epilogue

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One year, that's how long their freedom lasted. Words laced with love and kindness still rang in her ears. She has yet to truly grasp what had happened.
It felt as if only a week ago they ran from SHIELD, ran from everything.
She couldn't believe that it was all gone.
Evangeline looked up at the single framed photograph on her night stand.
Loki was looking surprised as her arm wrapped around his shoulder and the camera had flashed.
It was their first and only photo together.
She felt the tears build up again as she hunched over further trying to manage the sobs.
He tried so hard, he knew he wasn't that evil villain that others saw. Why did he have to try and prove it?
Evangeline pulled at her hair and clenched her eyes tighter.
He didn't need to go back to Asgard. But he did. He fought alongside his people.
He fell in battle.
He became a solider and never came home.

(Okay, so since many people where confused about this, hey- it was one of my first fanifics, I rewrote it to make actual sense. So here you go, maybe the ending and transition into the next novel will make sense? I hope so.)

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