Chapter Nineteen

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Thor POV

Thor couldn't watch his brother suffer like this anymore.

He's changed.

He was now able to see that, after he told me how he felt about the gypsy girl.

It pains him.

He's hurting.

She's losing it.

It's just unfair.

He was going to take a trip to Asgard, and have a talk with the Allfather.



" What do you mean he hasn't changed?!" Thor bellowed slamming his hand down on the table.

Odin looked down on me sitting in his throne.

" Have you even seen him?"

The softening of his eyes told me other wise.

"No. You haven't. Please father, he deserves this. He deserves to be with the girl,"  He pleaded

His father's stone face seemed to soften even more.

Without a warning father waved his hand to see Midgard.

More precise, Loki.

He watched the holograph with interest.

Soon he swiped his hand through it causing it to disappear.

" This is not the same man who I fought. He has changed, for the better."

Odin sighed finally speaking again.

" I will probably regret my decision. It would be wise, to not do what I am about to. But I am not thinking wisely today. Loki may be relieved from his sentence and continue life on Midgard."

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