"Yeah" I nodded, I could totally agree with that.

"I need a smoke..." Dylan said before exiting the room. Cigarette smoke annoyed me.

I sighed as I exited the room, closing the door behind me. The chilly air hit my bare arms, cousin goose bumps to form from the cold wind. Everyone was sound asleep in there rooms, while I was out here lurking with a drug dealer.

"Let's go in here" Dylan pointed to the front desk room.

"Your gonna smoke in there?" I questioned.

"Yeah, fuck Norma" Dylan reached in his pocket, taking out a ring of keys. We moved slowly up to the room. Dylan's boots practically stomping on the ground as we walked.

As we approached the door Dylan looked through the ring of keys and finally decided on one, putting it in the locks. I was starting to think over what I was about just about to do. What if his mother caught us in here?

I sighed and followed behind Dylan into the little area.

He flicked on the light and slammed the door.

"I like your little old lady gown" He complemented my night gown.

"Thank you"

"And your knee high socks" he smiled. Dylan took a seat at the chair behind the desk.

"Are you just being a douche?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

Dylan chuckled "No, no it's cute" He placed the cigarette in-between his lips and lit it with a match.

"Tell me a little about you" He took a long dragg of his cigarette.

"I uh, don't actually know what to say" I shrugged, watching as the white puff of smoke flew from Dylan's mouth.

"Tell me anything, your name, your age, anything"

"Well..." I started "My full name is Lolita Rose Bell. I am seventeen, born April 12. Bell isn't my actuall last name, I took it up from the last family I was with who have had me every since birth. Uh, I've been in Juvi for a couple of weeks for attempted murder, I am a victim of rape and abuse. Uhm, I stand at 5'11 and a half, I weigh 125 pounds. That's about it Oh and I have depression and bi-polar disorder, anxiety and I hate cigarette smoke" That summed up about every thing.

"Oh, sorry" Dylan took one last quick puff and put the cigarette out on the wooden desk. That would leave a nasty mark.

"Your mother's gonna kill you" I laughed.

Dylan rolled his eye's "I see you've had it hard, hmm"

"You have no idea" He literally had no idea what so ever.

"April twelfth, That's my little brothers birthday. And you two are the same age. You two would make a cute couple" He laughed "Too bad that your already taken"

"I've never even seen your brother and I don't even date anyone, wait are you talking about tha-"

"You'll see" Dylan said, cutting me off

"Tell me a little about you" I said.

"Well, I'm Dylan Masset. I'm the child of a minipulating whore. I'm twenty two and I work at a weed plant. I'm from south Dakota, and my father raised me. I uhm- I'm a gentle and caring person and that's all" He shrugged.

"Woah, your old"

"And your young" He smiled, getting up from the chair "You know what we should do?" Dylan looked directly at me

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Go down to the shore"

I shook my head, declining his offer "Hell no, last time I agreed to that I almost died"

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