Finals - Raina's POV

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Chapter Nineteen:

"The cold never bothered me anyway."

I finish my sound check performance with an awkward pose.

I thrust my arm in the air, but it only goes midway and just limps there because of my utter exhaustion.

"Perfect!" Demi squeals. That's a bit of an overstatement.

I feel a presence behind me, and I see one of the backup singers.

His name is Carter, I think? He was the one who helped me during my first live performance when my music stopped. Remember?

He looks like a mix of Asian and Caucasian. I think.

I'm bad with ethnicities.

"Great job, Raina," he says. He's wearing these glasses that make him even more attractive.

Calm your hormones, Raina.

Alright I can do this.

"Thanks," I say in reply.

Before I can continue the conversation, the head choreographer instructs, "Great job, everyone! One more time, from the top."

"I'll see you around, Raina," Carter says, smiling.


I let out a tiny groan. Rehearsals are so tiring.

I've been going to tutor sessions with Dylan, and he tests me really hard.

When you say you want Dylan O' Brien as your teacher, you don't mean it.

That guy is ruthless when it comes to triangles.

That's the main reason why I'm exhausted. But there are plenty of other reasons.

Like Sanjana, Meera, and all of my other friends telling me that I should tell Finn that I love him.

Because they are so positive that it is true.

But I really don't know if I feel that strongly about Finn. I mean, I've barely known him for a month.

The music starts, so I start singing my song.

All of a sudden, right before my big note at the end (which I dread very much), the music completely stops and some weird folk music plays.

The lead choreographer goes back stage to check up on the situation and I see Finn backstage next to the controls.

His eyes are closed and there are many, many buttons and switches around him.

So that could only mean one thing.

Finn was stupid enough to close his eyes to daydream about whatever the hell Finn daydreams about, and press random buttons on accident.


"Finn!" I call. "Finn, what the hell?"

Finn opens his eyes quickly, startled.

Meera backs me up by screaming, "Finn, you mess up everything! If I didn't like your brother so much, I would be over there and your fingers would not be attached to your hand right now!"

"Chill, Meera," I mumble.

"Tell your boyfriend to stop messing you up!"

She's really passionate about performing and music and all that.

"It's okay, I think that guy's got it." I point to an older guy who took Finn's place.

Before Finn was out of sight though, I shake my head, smiling, and I mouth, "So stupid."

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