Sexuality And Gender

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Now I wanted to become an ally so I decided to do it by making this story to inspire people to be proud of who they are. Each chapter will have a small slice of life of both gender and sexuality. 

Now sexualities that shall be featured in the story:

As well with that, I shall be featuring different genders. Just to call a few
And of course, there is more than this so the list does go on. 

So, yes this book has a plot and characters that go through their own problems of sexuality, gender, and coming out. So I am very excited for this story and I hope you enjoy this and feel free to leave your feedback on it.

Now this story as you can tell will talk about sexuality and gender so if you are against transgender, homosexual, lesbians, etc. I ask of you to please leave. If anyone leaves any hate comments about any sexuality or gender their comment shall be deleted. I will not tolerate any hate among any sexuality or gender. This will be the only warning that you shall be given.

With that, I hope you all have a good day or night and enjoy the story!


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