Chapter 9: A Piece of Pie

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"Ariel your back," a plump woman stood on the porch of a cabin with a bright smile on her face "and you brought guests,"

She reminded Peter of someone you would see on a box of cake mixture.

"I'm Peter," he introduced himself with a dazzling grin and a small bow.

"You may call me Mother Hubbard," the woman returned with a nod.

Doc eyeing her suspiciously as she did.

He did not trust this place. It left an uneasy feeling in his gut.

"Welcome to our home," Mother Hubbard continued lifting an arm. "You cant see much in the dark but this is an old summer camp ground, there's plenty of room and your welcome to stay if you will" the woman brought her hands together and squeezed them tightly.

"We would love to," Peter smiled at Ariel then at the woman. Everyone but Doc mimicking his expression.

Mother Hubbard licked her lip her own smile widening.

"Polly!" she called over her shoulder "Put the kettle on," she looked back to the eight children with a gleam in her eye.

Ariel led them into the long cabin which was likely the dinning hall when the camp was functioning.

"Your just in time for dinner," Mother Hubbard cooed taking a seat at the end of a long table that was spotted with a rather strange bunch of survivors.

To her left was a surprisingly fat man named Humpty. His weight surprising because in these times food was scarce.

In all truth he was the first fat person the kids have ever seen. At least that they can remember.

To her right was another man. This one was missing his left eye the gaping hole covered with a cotton bandage. He was visibly dirty, flecks of soil visible in his dusty blond hair.

Next to him was a younger boy. Everyone called him Boy Blue. Due to the state they had found him in two winters ago now.

He sat straight in his chart with his hands folded on the table gleaming at the children as they stood in the dimly lit room.

"Please sit," Mother Hubbard motioned to the remaining seats at the table and without hesitation the children eagerly sat down.

Ariel gave Peter a nod and went into another room.

There she was greeted by her cousin Hercules or Herc for short. A muscular young man with freckle dusted cheeks and a crown of red curls on his head.

"You brought guests?" he questioned her with a face of stone and the smile she had kept for the children sunk from her face.

"If I had left them they would have died,"

"So you brought them here," he almost laughed.

Ariel looked to her feet.

Then back up to his crystal blue eyes. "What else was I supposed to do,"

"Shh" Polly who was now holding a steaming tea pot in her hands "she will hear you"

Without another word Polly swiftly headed for the dining room setting a smile on her lips before greeting them all. Her smile faltering for only a second when she saw how many of them there were.

She pored Mother Hubbard's cup first then made her way down the table.

By the time she was dome Ariel had returned to the dining area placing a plate and cutlery set in front of the children before taking the seat next to Peter.

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