Chapter 3: Through the Window

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"We're breached" the voice of Sarah a young woman who cared for the children echoed down the hall into the room where they crouched awaiting her return. "Peter get them out of here"

Peter was the eldest though he was barely 12 years old.

Gun shots filled the silent night and the shaking children looked to him some with glassy eyes. Between them the average age was around 7 years old. With the exception of Peter and Doc.

"Peter" Doc the second eldest urged his curly blond hair falling over his eyes as he jumped to his feet."what do we do?"

But peter was frozen the room they resided in was on the second level of the school there group had taken refuge in for months now.

A safe place they'ed called it.

The stares were blocked. Leaving only one option.

"Peter" the young boy tried again as another string of gunshots rang through the night.
"The window." Peter rushed towards it swinging it open into the cool night. "We can jump down to the other roof."

"Are you crazy?" a dark haired girl by the name of Olive, who was often sour objected letting go of her trembling blond twin Summer whose disheartened face was a strange sight.

"Its not that far" Peter swung back around an eager smile on his face. "I'm not dying tonight"

None of them argued as he swung his legs over the window ledge. "Follow me if you want. Or get eaten its up to you." with that he pushed himself from the window and plummeted silently through the air.

The tin roof banging loudly as he landed on his feet. Surprise evident on his face.

"Ha" he laughed to the moon. A scream turning his attention back to the window.

Chip, the boy who had followed him crashed onto the tin face first beside him.
"I'm okay" he groaned as Peter peeled him off the tin.

Summer came next and Peter caught her thin body easily. The sweet smile that often played on her lips greeting him as he set her aside.

"are you okay Chip?" she turned her attention to the other boy and Peter looked back up to where her sister crouched ready to pounce.

"Get out of the way" she motioned for Peter to move.

"I'll catch you" he assured her.

"Move" she growled and Peter stepped back quickly.

Nodding the girl leaped down with ease flicking her long ponytail over her shoulder before strutting along the rooftop.

"Next" Peter called up to where doc had stuck his head out of the window.

A red head poked its way out of the window next. Causing Peter to audibly sigh.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Charlie the hypochondriac of the group called down nervously. 

No Peter thought to himself as he nodded. "Well we made it didn't we?" he smiled and put his hands on his hips.

The red haired boy contemplated what peter said before bringing an inhaler to his lips and taking two large puffs.

"Just think positive" Summer chimed up to him.

Charlie tried to match her smile as he put his legs over the window still. Closing his eyes he jumped and again it was almost to easy for peter to catch his thin body.

"Hurry up" Peter called up as he caught site of the smoke now rising from the front of the building.

Lilly, the shy girl who spent most of her time as a tomato gulped as she looked down at him. "You have to catch Billy." she pulled the small boy through the window onto her lap.

Billy was the youngest of the group. Peter often thought of him as a Koala as all he ever does when hes not eating is cling to someone and sleep.

Peter nodded to her and shakily she held his now crying body out dropping him down into his arms.

Almost as soon as he caught him peter palmed him off onto Summer who eagerly calmed him down.

He turned back to face Lilly who had dropped as light as a feather onto the roof behind him. He watched her with a strange look on his face as she joined the others to her left. Maybe he'd been underestimating her this entire time.

Next through the window was a back pack then a fully loaded doc whose bag looked as though it weighed more than him.

Peter grabbed the backpack. "Whats this?"

Doc jumped awkwardly off the roof "supplies" he puffed exhaustively trying to straighten himself.

"right" peter looked back one last time at the window where an orange glow now emitted before joining everyone else.

"Lets go" he shrugged the backpack on his shoulders and took Billy from Summer.

"Wait" doc grabbed Peters arm and stuck a desk leg into his face. "This is all I could find.

Peter was relieved to have some sort of protection and quickly gripped the wood in his hands.

Doc held another leg in his hand and as quietly as possible they began their journey into the night with another short jump to the ground.

Peter led them through the back of the school yard doc trailing behind and glancing over his shoulder like a nervous deer.

It didn't take them long to reach the emergency exit docs father had thought to include in his design of the barricade surrounding what used to be their safe haven.

There was no path through the forest the exit backed onto and the children stumbled over fallen logs and low bushy plants.

They wondered aimlessly following peter who seemed sure of only one direction.


He walked them until their complains began. And then he walked them some more. They needed as much distance between themselves and the school. When the Zombies finished the survivors there they'ed be back on the hunt.

He finally let them take a break when they came to a shallow creek.

They gratefully sat on the large rocks surrounding it.

Doc finding Peter eyes as he lowered his bag to the ground. His eyes asking only one question.

What now?


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