Chapter 5: The Toy Store

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The next morning was frosty. Winter was coming fast and it wouldn't be long now until snow began to sprinkle the earth.

Jack woke frigidly. His own breath visible in the biting air. Though he was used to such temperatures.

He rubbed a lazy hand across his face and groaned.

His throat was dry and his stomach empty as he moved clumsily to the large window that took up the entire back wall of the office he had chosen to sleep in.

He hadn't set a fire for fear of attracting any of the zombies like the one he gad come across last night.

He shivered at the thought of how close its teeth had come to his skin before he bashed its head into a puddle of mush.

Though it left him covered in the creatures dark black blood. It satisfied him greatly when its arms fell limp.

He looked over the city streets.

Examining the roads.

Searching for movement.

The buildings were just as grand as he remembered them. Though they no longer contained life.

They still intrigued him. Called for him to explore them.

He had to remind himself of his task. Of the job he had to complete to go home. To prove hes not the screw up his mother thinks he is.

"Lucy!" he spun around breaking the heavy silence of the room "whats for breakfast?' the goose honked as he approached it.

Sticking his hand into the bag where it was tied and feeling around.

"erghh" he grumbled pulling his hand from the bag quickly. "Gross"

He flicked the droppings from his hand and gave the goose a short death stare before pulling it from the bag and placing it on the ground beside him.

"This is just nasty," he winged as he looked into the bag. Opting to cover his nose with the hand he had already put in the source of the gut turning smell.

"argh!" he screamed again ripping his hand away from his face and wiping it with the collar of his shirt.

He tossed the bag aside and turned back to the goose. "Wheres the egg?"

It simply opened and closed its beak before trying to walk away from him. Which it could barely do for the ties around its legs.

"now what am I supposed to do with you?" he looked from the goose to the bag and then stood up.

"I could eat you." Lucy again honked in protest.

"trade you to a savage survivor who will probably eat you." Jack passed now.

"or maybe.." He stopped dramatically turning to Lucy, "I'll feed you to the zombies!" he rushed at the goose and it flapped its wings as it attempted to run away from him. Of course stumbling as it did.

Jack watched it with a tense jaw.

"I tell you what Lucy," he began walking towards it but slower now. "because I'm such a nice guy, I'm going to give you one more chance,"

He bent down and plucked Lucy calmly from the ground.

"But I'm going to find something new to carry you in because that shits just rank."

Tucking her under his arm he headed for the door. Grabbing the fire extinguisher he had lent against the wall as he did so.

After what seemed to be hours he was finally on his way out of the building.

Lucy tucked in a large pink hand bag he had found in the reception area of the office.

The street was silent and still, aside from his heavy steps along the road.

Which made him question every shiny window he passed.

More than once he caught himself staring at his reflection. Longing for someone to be walking beside him. Bur he was alone aside from the goose whose head pocked out behind him. So he would simply pull the bag further up his shoulder and continue his search for the cattle.

That was until his curiosity got the better of him.

The old toy store his father had taken him to when he was merely 10 years old stood in front of him.

Its windows that once housed an elaborate village set up now fogged with grime.

He flinched at the tinkle of the bell as he pushed open the door. Watching the dust dance in the sunlight he let in before taking his first step.

The shelves once shimmering and joyful stood gloomily, casting shadows in the already dark room.

Jacks heart pounded faster against his chest with every step he took into the store.

Still he walked deeper. Ignoring the shiver of fear creeping up his spine.

Many of the toys sat untouched. Now covered in dust and the webs of what had to be many spiders.

Some shelves even housed small climbing plants.

Jack ran his hand along the train track that snaked around the store.

It had been his favorite part of the store when he was a kid.

The train would cart stuffed animals past the customers. Chugging and tooting its way to a tunnel that lead into the wall.

He continued towards the back of the store to where two sets of stares lead to the second floor.

The floor housing the giant plastic dinosaur he had once climbed on.

He trudged up the spiraling stares smiling as he caught sight of the dinosaurs slide tail.

Gently he placed his fire extinguisher and bag on the ground.

The grin remaining on his lips as he scaled the steps up the dinosaurs front leg.

Walking first to its head and examining the remainder of the shop while walking around the fireman's pole that dropped to the ground.

Slowly he tapped the fire extinguisher against the pole. Its ding echoing through the entire store and probably out onto the street.

He stood for a moment silently listening to nothing.

Then again he tapped the pole.

Again there was silence.

The store was empty of the undead and Jacks grin only grew as he walked the length of the dinosaurs back.

Flopping himself at the top of the slide and pulling his fire extinguisher onto his lap.

"Lucy," He sighed staring at the goose for a moment before pushing himself roughly to the bottom of the slide. "I think this should be our new home."


Do you think the toy store is a good place for a base? 

What sort of shop, excluding a camping store, would you want to set up base in?

Thanks for reading, 


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