Chapter 6: The River Girl

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"No!" Billy squirmed as Doc attempted to put the small boys pants back on. "Stop!"

"If I ever find out who taught him those words I swear" Peter shook his head at Chip Who walked in a circle around Doc and the fussing baby.

Peter was watching them all from the branch of a high tree. He'd barely slept. Only accidentally closing his eyes for a short period of time.

He jumped to the ground with calculation. Swiftly moving to docs side and taking the long track suit pants from his hands.

Quickly he stuffed Billy's kicking legs into their appropriate spots standing him up momentarily to finish the job before swinging him onto his side.

"We have wasted enough time" Peter grumbled taking off down the river hastily.

"Somebody's in a bad mood" Olive whispered behind him as the group trudged on through the forest.

"Peter?" Chip had jogged up beside him now. "How many Zombies do you think are out here"

'I don't know chip a lot."

"Do you think if one was following us right now we would know."

"yes chip"

"Do they all eat children?"

"Yes chip," Chip thought on his answer and walked a little closer to Peter who smiled to himself. "That's why we have to keep moving. We have to find a safe place to wait for Sarah."

"What if shes not coming?" Charlie questioned from behind him.

"Well then we survive." Peter assured them all.

"by ourselves?" Olive Laughed

"Yes," Peter stopped dead in the middle of the track.

"You really think that we could live without an adul.." She began to argue.

"Shh" Peter put one of his hands up cutting her short.

"Wha.." Doc went to question from the back of the group.

"Shut it," Peter whispered. He didn't turn to face him just scanned the surrounding trees. "I heard something."

Chip stepped so close to him peter could feel his breath on his arm.

They all stood frozen in silence.

Slowly Peter passed Billy to Summer whose face had turned white.

A twig snapped somewhere to their left and they all looked in the direction with wide eyes and a gasp.

The group compressed as both Peter and Doc set a solid grip on the wooden desk legs they had to defend themselves.

Something rustled behind them before the sound of a familiar deep moan squeezed a loud gulp from Peters throat.

"Doc?" Peter questioned.

"P..peter there's three of them" Docs voice was a shaky whisper. "What do we do?"

Before he could answer, another gurgling growl came from the left and Peter cursed.

More of the undead emerged from the bushes.

There was no hope of escape now. It was fight or die.

Seven kids against a small army of shufflers. The worst part.

Peter and Doc were the only two with any sort of weapon.

They grouped together. Charlie borderline panic attack as Peter stepped forward to club the first of the Zombies in the head.

His hit was hard but only made the creature teeter. It wasn't until several solid swings later that it fell still to the ground.

Tales Of The Fairly UndeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora