Imagine 46; want you back (2)

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You all left the building and headed to the party venue. During the ride, you felt butterflies, he's going to be there..


The car stopped which also made your heart stop, "Don't worry Y/n, if he does anything to you, we'll kill him." Jisoo smirked, you was shocked seeing her dark side.

Rose came and wrapped arms with you, "I'll be by your side," she smiles making you smile instantly. You all went in the building spotting Twice.

You smiled seeing them, when Momo saw you she ran towards you, she gave you a big hug, "You came back." She said happily, "Yeah.." then the other girls started hugging you, they were like mothers to you since trainee.

You're close to Jihyo cause she gives you free voice lessons.

"See you guys~"

You all waved bye to each other and went inside the actual party, your head hurt at the loud music and you nearly lost yourself because there was so many people. "Y/n, want to get some food?"

You rejected, "I know you want to eat, i'll just bring whatever." You smiled at her, "Since you're not getting anything can you find our table?" Lisa asks, making a peace sign, you nodded.

They left you and you were by yourself looking everywhere, you stood in one place only letting your eyes move,

They left you and you were by yourself looking everywhere, you stood in one place only letting your eyes move,

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There, you see him again. You stood there frozen playing with the hem of your skirt/dress, you both looked at each other for a good solid 20 sec until, Rose grabbed your hand, "There you are."

She walked in the direction of Bts's table, your legs refused to walk but you had no other choice but to just move. You sat at the front table of them, you heard the boys whispering.

"Jungkook, she's there."

"Do something if you want her back then.."

"You know what to do kookie, what we have been talking about earlier."

You gulped,

You were so confused, you told the boys why you left. You clearly told them to keep him away from you and tell him to leave you alone.

Jisoo interrupted you from your thoughts by happily cheering, she brought sushi up to your face, "Ah~" you opened your mouth and happily ate it. You smiled at the delicious taste.

"Here, i knew you'd like it." Jisoo gave you a plateful of different sorts of sushi, you smiled from ear to ear. "Thank you.." you took the chopsticks and started eating.

After eating, you felt yourself needing to go to the toilet, you excused yourself.

You went to the toilet and did your business, you washed your hand and looked at the mirror, your heart felt like it stopped beating.

He's right behind you.

He hugs you from behind, it felt very different. More gentle and very romantic feeling, you turned around and pushed him away, "Jungkook, go away please.." you mumbled scared to get hit.

"No, y-y/n.. please baby, listen.." the way he said 'baby' to you shocked you, that's the ever first time he called you that,

"I-i realise what i was doing to you and i hated myself for that, i hated it so much. When you left, i had no energy in doing anything at all, i can't eat properly, i can't sleep properly or can't even start everyday with a daily dose of your Good morning's and Good night's.. i just can't."

You scoffed, "So.. me, leaving made you realise what you have been doing?" Unbelievable, he nods getting eye teary. "This is the thing that's annoying."

He tilts his head, "People care about people once that special person leaves.. do i have to leave you just for you to actually care about me?!" Slowly, you started hitting his chest, "I care and love you so much Y/n.. i will never ever do this ever again."

"It doesn't mean i'm going to forgive what you've done to me," you crossed your arm against your chest, "Jungkook, for the past 5 months i've actually had peace you know.. can't believe i'm saying this but--"

"I'm happy, without you, i don't need y--"

He interrupts, "N-no, no! Y/n, you can't leave me.. i'm nothing without you.. nothing. So please, give me a second chance and i will change myself for you, please." He gives you several pecks.

You blushed, "Hmm.."


Would you forgive him?

Think wisely..


So kyot

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So kyot.

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