Andy's A Single Parent

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"Your daughter."

"Yes. I'll let Greg know to only let you and Dad in."

Dad and I walk back to the nursery behind Andy. When we get in front of the window, Andy points out Gwenn and the nurse invites him in to hold her. He walks in slowly and the nurse hands Gwenn to Andy. Seeing my brother look down at his daughter and smile, brings tears of joy to my eyes. Andy looks up and out the window to my dad and me. His smile is as big as ever and he looks so happy even after all that has happened.

"He's going to be a great dad." I say.

"He's strong, he'll be fine even without Kelly." Dad says. Andy hands Gwenn back to the nurse and comes back out to meet us.

"I think I can do this." Andy says.

"Of course you can. You're going to make a great father." I say.

"I guess we should go shopping now to get some things she will need. We don't have anything for her to eat."

"I got it covered." Dad says. "You two going to be okay while I'm gone?" Andy and I nod. "I'll see you two at home then." Dad leaves. Andy and I watch Gwenn through the window.

"Are you going to move out to the cabin or move the nursery inside the house?" I ask.

"I wouldn't be able to take care of her by myself, so either you move out to the cabin with me or I move the nursery upstairs "

"There is another option you know."

"What would that be?"

"We could buy a house. One that's still close to everyone else. I can't live on my own very easily and you can't raise Gwenn by yourself, maybe we should buy a house together."

"What about Dad? He would be all alone in that big house of his."

"We could visit him every day."

"I don't know. Maybe we can convince someone to move in with him."

"Like who?"

"I don't know. Maybe Uncle Scotty and the twins?"

"Do you think they would move inside after all these years?"

"Maybe if Dad offers."

"I think you, baby sister, are a genius."

"I try to be. How long till you get to take Gwenn home?"

"I can take her home tomorrow, I guess it's more like later today now."

"I still can't believe Kelly's gone."

A Cry Out To Jesus (The Extended Hobson Family Triliogy: Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora