"She might give him a whack and send him to his room but I think he can handle the punishment. You are not responsible for anything that happens to him."

She couldn't respond because an eager young man burst through the doors.


How ridiculous.
I laughed.

He didn't look much older than Pacem. His pants were too tight for him and his black hair was slicked back with gel. This child is not what I'd been expecting.

"My name is Jeremiah. It's such a pleasure to meet you both." He walked up to Pacem and kissed her hand.

She peered at me but then her gaze fixed on the yellowy-orange glow in Jeremiah's eyes. I was mesmerized by the situation and Jeremiah shared my amazement.

"Thank you for bringing her to us, Malvin," he whispered.

Pacem immediately protested "We're not staying long. I-"

"Nonsense! You're one of us now, both of you."

I smiled.

I knew they'd accept me. I knew if they just gave them a gift that they'd look past my imperfections. Jeremiah had suddenly focused his attention on Pacem's podium. When she noticed his gaze, she seemed to hold on a little tighter.

"Let me guess," Pacem began. "You expect people to give up all their 'worldly processions' when they get here?"

"Don't be ridiculous," Jeremiah said. "Most people grow up here. This is a safe-haven for people like us to live in harmony. We aren't a cult, Miss Creed."

Pacem headed for the door. "Then we can come and go as we please?"

"I would strongly advise against you leaving, Pacem. It's not safe alone in the woods and it's already starting to get dark."

"I'll take my chances," she said.

I had to stop her.
She couldn't leave.

"Pacem." He pouted. "Please stay with me."

She looked frustrated.

I could tell some part of her wanted to stay. It was just her lack of trust that was stopping her. Well... and her drive to find the boy.

"Pacem." I looked her right in the eyes. "You're my family."

Her expression was stern. "Then follow me out of this place, Malvin."

Once again the young conversationalist intruded on our privacy.

"Miss Creed, I don't think you understand how special you are."

"Save it." She rolled her eyes.

"Have you looked in the mirror lately? Have you seen your eyes?

"No." Suddenly Pacem went extremely pale.

She may not have looked at her reflection, but she must have known what we were both staring at so intensely. She was just too afraid to face the truth.

Jeremiah pulled out a plain square mirror from the unfortunate man-bag on his side. Pacem stared into it, frozen, as she faced what she'd known had been there all along.

Her eyes were red.

Blood red.

Okay that's weird

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Okay that's weird....

Any thoughts on what that means for Pacem?

Any thoughts on what that means for Pacem?                                                                   PS: You're AMAZING!

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