Chapter VI : Ticking

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After talking to his parents, Perry went back up to his room to draw some sketches to pass his time. He felt so nice for helping the authorities in the crime. His altruistic nature does come in handy. He checks the time and sighs in stress, "Well, I guess the day couldn't get any better."

Perry then thought of the possibility of him being some sort of a detective, but quickly regrets it as he tries to make a pose in front of the mirror. Perry then continues to do his drawings while calmly undresses his detective attire.

It's almost noon and Perry was in his room inspecting the pocket watch to relieve his boredom. He looks closely in its design and mechanism. It took him about some time until he finally gave up on looking through it. He opened his drawing book to just entertain himself out. As he turns over the pages, he saw some of his works which are incredibly admirable.

Perry honed this talent of his since he was in his preschool. People often admired him for being good at arts, but as he grows up, he no longer shows his sketches to anyone. As time goes by, Perry eventually felt some hunger. He decided to lay in his bed and resist his appetite for a little longer. After taking some drastic resistance, he eventually left his room.

Perry went to the kitchen to check for something to eat, but he can't see any. He asked his mother if there are any snacks. "We don't have any of those yet," his mother said. Perry curiously asked why and his mother gave him an errand to go to town and buy some.

"Really, mom?" He asked while feeling a bit excited. His mother replied, "It's gonna be a whole new year tomorrow, of course, we need something to chop on tonight." As his mother said those words, Perry jumped with the pure essence of joy.

His mother gave him some money to spend on. She also let Perry use his bike to travel along the streets. His mother reminded him, "Just buy some snacks and ones we only need. I got the important things here, so just buy your favorites, okay?" 

Perry nods and returns back to his room to get his pocket watch. He then goes towards the door and opens it to go to the outside world. He's greeted with a searing hot sky. People around them are also preparing for new year's eve. The crime scene outside was already being inspected, so Perry wanders off to town with his bike.


While Perry's on the road, he overhears some news saying that a lunar eclipse will occur on this day. He happily rejoices, knowing that its gonna be a fun day. Even though he will mostly see the partial and total phase of the eclipse, only the penumbra phase is not visible.

"Well here we go then," he tells himself as he rides his bike and pedals off. He pulled out his earphones to put them on and listened to some music. While cycling down the cold road, he noticed that the temperature gets colder for a bit. "It's winter after all," Perry said to himself.

Perry then went to a local mart to buy some goods later. He has a handful of snacks, so he decided to stop by the park and eat some of it. He traveled about some blocks and took a seat on a bench in the park.

He munches on some chips and crackers as he watches over some young children play on the park. As he gazes over them, he thinks of the "accident" that happened this early morning. He tries to explain it in a logical way.


As Perry chomps on some biscuits, he also thinks hard inside his head of any possible reasons about the crime. He tries to recall everything, but the fear he felt was blocking his memory. He tries to remember the events, yet to no success.

"Seeing that the car moves forward without a driver; it's possible that it's set to drive on its own, but it won't just stop like that," Perry tells himself. "And if someone is running away from something, most likely a car, why would they stop and pose like that?" he asks.

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