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Time is a precious concept. We humans use time in our daily lives to keep track of where we've already been. From ancient times, by the creation of the cycle of day and night, the construction of sun dials, the use of hourglasses, the swinging of the pendulum, the ticking of the clock, to the beeping of a wristwatch.

We've advance so much in time. Though seeing to possess such ability to control time is quite far-fetched. It may seem to be implausible, but is it such? I mean, you believed in such concept that it exists. You were told to that it exists. So does you did believe it.

Anyway, the point is not about fantasies of using time. Manipulating this very fabric of the universe have desiring consequences. Only few would understand its very beauty when wielded. With only a movement of the hands, time is right in your palms.

A friend of mine used to have such power. Wielding the marvels that controls time itself. The power to infinity, the key to everlasting life, the great tool of entire existence lays in before his reach. Yet he was too foolish.

For now, I do not have much time to explain everything. Why not let me take you back. Back in the age of great power. When the ability to use such power of time is almost at our reach, yet gone.

I'll let you take...a pause in a rewind.

----- Hand Struck to I -----

A Pause In a RewindWhere stories live. Discover now