Chapter II : A Rewind

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After a long lazy morning of school, Perry finally found his way to take his lunch. It was just a nearby dining shack. It is being operated by his Aunt Lirica, sister to his mother. As he heads towards his aunt, he somehow felt weird. Walking through the sidewalk, he noticed something strange. 

As he walks down his path, he put on his earphones and listened to the music. While walking around things seems barely odd. The music gets slower and slower along with the falling snow. His footsteps could merely step the ground taking seconds. He looked above and the sun shines so brightly.

When he tried to look at it even if it's so bright, a line of shadow crossed the sun. Perry was amazed by this event and then soon after, everything returned back to normal. It's like nothing just happened. He was confused and perplexed.

The music was back to the right speed and everything around him moves at the right pacing. Perry didn't mind what was happening and then moved on. Thinking that it may have been just an effect of hunger after a busy morning.


When he did felt some stomach ache from hunger, he sighs. So Perry hurriedly walked towards the dining shack. He's appetite couldn't hold longer so he just ran for it. He steps and hops right at the front of the shack. He happily steps in.

His aunt was waiting there. She seemed kind of busy, but she was free enough to serve her nephew. "Well you are too early to be here," his aunt told him. He just responded with much of an excuse. His aunt Lirica just shrugged it off and served Perry a plate of a delicious dish.

Perry looks at the mouth-watering lunch that her aunt prepared for him. But first, he needs to take some rest in this vacant time. While eating, he wants to draw something while chewing on the tasty food.

He pulled out his drawing book and starts to make a sketch. While holding the pen, his hands were shaking. His vision blurs and his head gets dizzy. His eyesight was losing concentration and he felt like losing consciousness. He blinked and his sight changed from the dining shack into a grassy plain.

Suddenly, he regained back his senses. He looks down upon what's on his table. The page of his drawing book is now drawn with weird writings. However, he was able to distinguish something. It was numbers, drawn as Roman numerals.

Perry didn't actually know what he was doing. He snapped out of his imagination and scratches his head. "What was I thinking?" he said to himself.  Out of confusion he just continued eating to ease himself to get all the worries off. He stood up and looked at the clock. It was almost time to get back to school.

He finished his lunch quickly and almost choke on his rush. While he was busy eating, his mind keeps reminding him of his dream earlier. He still has that idea on his mind. He shook his head and grunts. Perry took a pause and sighs.

He took his time eating lunch and glanced back at the clock to watch the time. "Oh, no! I'm already late!" Perry rushed out while thanking his aunt. His aunt Lirica just smiles on the distance as she saw her nephew all grown up. "I guess time flies by so fast," she said to herself.

Running towards the school, Perry moves nimbly. He sees all the people doing normal things like they always do. The sky is moving normal, the wind is blowing nicely and the street is filled with thick snow. He is now confident that everything is now normal.

Perry just rushes down through the road. He was just thinking about the good food that went into his stomach. Now he still has a big afternoon ahead of him. "Better not be late," he told himself as he dashes across the frozen street.

He then saw a pedestrian lane ahead. He approached it quickly to get past while the traffic light is still in red. When he was going to cross the road when he glances at the school clock to check the time.

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