"I don't know. I don't know anything about you. After you got out of Juvie, I only heard rumours. I know the old you would never even look at alcohol but everything is different now. I don't know you or what you're capable of."

Phil took a step away from me, looking down the road, again, this time with sadness painted clearly in his face. "I don't do drugs," he mumbled, before pulling his lip ring between his teeth.

Because obviously Phil Lester was a fuck-up, but being a fuck-up who did drugs was crossing the line.

"So where did you get the money?" I tried once again, this time softly. Apparently, his guilt didn't go far enough that he would answer the question. "Fine, then I'll just assume you stole it all from Benny Malone, who by the way, does do drugs."

The corner of Phil's lip quirked as his lip piercing pinged back into place. "No shit, Sherlock. I think I know what Malone does better than someone like you."

I instantly knew he hadn't meant it as an insult, but nevertheless, the words 'someone like you' turned a knife in my chest. It made me feel like people like me and people like Phil were whole universes apart and I had no idea how that happened. We used to be best friends. We used to be exactly the same.

"So what's in the backpack?" I tried to ask nonchalantly. "Not drugs, right?"

"Shut the fuck up. What do we do now, then?" I wondered why he was so eager to change the subject. Did he really have drugs in the bag?

I shrugged in reply, leaving the decision to him. He took a step closer and my heart didn't hesitate to explode in my chest. Then he took another and casually reached his hand towards me. I stood frozen as his fingers entered the front pocket of my jeans and pulled out my phone.

I didn't know whether to feel relieved or annoyed.

"Okay, it's nine and a half miles to the next town. That should be a quick hike."

I wanted to ask him to define 'quick' but instead, I snatched my phone out of his hand to check myself. "Get your own phone," I said, when he gave me an irritated look.

"I left mine at the house. I'll buy a new one when we get there."

"Well, that's not suspicious at all," I mumbled.

"Shut up," he said, before snatching the phone back. I reached for it, but he easily held it out of my reach. Damn him for being so tall. "Okay," he began, scrolling through the GPS map. "I can make that hike in a couple hours."

"I?" I repeated.

"Yes, I. You can stay here and watch the car."

"Watch the car? What? Does it do tricks?"

"You want someone to steal your things?"

"Who would even rob a car sitting on the side of the road?"

"Plenty of people," Phil shrugged.

"Well, then, I'm willing to take that chance. I don't really have anything precious. Do you?" I attempted once again.

He only rolled his eyes in reply. "So, what? You want to come with me?" He said it almost as if he was worried about me. His eyes trailed down my body, lingering on my skintight jeans, probably wondering if my twiggy legs could take a 10 mile hike.

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