Chapter Nineteen | A Night to Remember

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He gave a exhale of relief. Thank goodness she didn't figure it out. He hastily transformed into Chat Noir, with a few complaints from Plagg, before slipping out carefully to join his partner.

Ladybug was too distracted to notice his entrance, but gave a little wave in between ducking from Shea's blasts of black and white.

Chat Noir made his way over, and Shea took notice, sending a stream his way. He countered her attack by creating a shield out of his weapon.

"Shea," Ladybug said, trying to reason with the angry girl. "You don't have to do this. The sketches haven't ruined anything--"

This only made things worse. Shea rocketed forward landing on the stage and aimed low, causing Ladybug to high jump over her blast. "Yes, they have! Those were my most private thoughts spilled out onto pages!" She expertly drove away Chat with a simple blast.

"Drawing was what gave my life color and happiness. But it's been stolen from me." She looked bitterly at Chloë. "By her." She sent a blast and Chloë went down easily, a scream still drawn on her now paper face as she folded.

"Don't stoop to her level." Chat said, "She isn't worth losing yourself over."

Shea laughed bitterly. "I haven't lost myself. I've become the better version of myself. One who won't take orders from anyone. One who stands up for herself. It's time for me to grow up." She sucked the color from a group of students and knocked both of the superheroes weapons out of their hands. Ladybug and Chat Noir moved to pick them up but put their hands up in surrender as she aimed for them.

"Wait! Shea!" Nathanael came running, his red hair messed up from running his fingers through it.

She froze in place, eyes meeting his over the mess of paper and people around the gym.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked, walking forward slowly.

Tears welled in her eyes. "Because this changes everything! Things were going great--then she ruined it. I should've known."

Nathanael gave her a smile. "This doesn't change anything."

She sighed, exasperated. "Everyone knows the real me now. They see how messed up my mind is."

"You're not messed up at all. What you made was art, Shea. And it was beautiful--every bit." Nathanael walked closer, coming up the steps of the stage to where she was.

"How can you even look at me after seeing it? I've been drawing you for years Nathanael--you don't find that a little creepy?" Shea no longer looked angry, just tired and frustrated.

"Not at all. I of all people understand. Plus, I know how unresistable your muse was."

Shea gave a genuine laugh. "You don't hate me?"

He shook his head with a smile. "I could never hate you. You're talented, beautiful, smart, kind, sweet--in fact," he took a deep breath. "I like you Shea. I want to give us a try. That's what I was trying to tell you before, and that hasn't changed."

Awww, said the remaining people who hadn't been akumatized, sounding like a laugh track on a sitcom.

Shea smiled, and some of the color returned to her face. "I'd love that."

Nathanael walked up the remaining steps and kissed her gently, causing the room to go wild with cheers.

In that moment, Shea returned to color and the butterfly flew out of her, pure white without ever being cleansed.

M'Ladybug | Adrinette//LadynoirDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora