Chapter Four | Falling For You

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Marinette squeezed her eyes shut as she fell to the floor, bracing herself for the impact.

What she didn't expect was the boy that attempted to catch her.

In movies and books, they make falling seem so romantic. The character usually has some sort of realization on the way down, and some strong boy dramatically saves them.

All Marinette was realizing was that she was going to die.

And some boy did dramatically save her, but Adrien had overestimated the strength of his human body. The impact of Marinette hitting his outstretched arms sent him flying to the floor, Marinette on top of him.

The pair groaned in unison.

"Are you alright?" Marinette asked, nervously.

"Are you alright? You're the one who just fell twenty feet off of a ladder."

"I'm fine, but I totally crushed you."

"Don't worry about it, it's my fault I'm the worst Prince Charming ever."

Then, realizing the situation, they began to laugh. Laughing hysterically, pretty soon they had tears streaming down their cheeks.

Nino and Alya took this moment to walk in on them. They turned to face each other, each saying the same thing with their eyes.

Our best friends have gone crazy.

"What happened in here?" Alya asked.

The pair on the floor couldn't speak from laughter, finally getting out "falling" and "ladder".

"Okay, so I have news! Nino asked me to be his date to the Valentine's dance!"

Marinette clapped her hands excitedly and Adrien got up off the floor to congratulate him.

"How'd he ask?" Marinette said, curious.

"He just asked! You know I'm not big on all those fancy proposals like you are."

Marinette nodded. She hoped Nino and Alya would last; she thought they would be the cutest couple.

"I'm so happy for you Alya!"

"I know, thank you." She wiggled her eyebrows. "Now we have to work on getting you a date!"

Marinette smiled and felt her palms damp with sweat. "Flying solo doesn't sound too bad."

"I'm not giving up." Alya said.

While the girls were talking about the dance, Nino and Adrien talked next to them.

"Dude, were you scared?" Adrien asked, and Nino laughed.

"It was the scariest thirty seconds of my life." Nino turned to glance at a distracted Alya. "But I'm so happy I did."

"Now we have to get you a date." Nino said.

"Eh, I'm not that big on these sort of events; I really don't even need to show up."

"You're Adrien Agreste, you have to go to the dance. But who to go with?"

Adrien had thought about this since the first announcement about the dance was said. The only girl he had his heart set on was Ladybug, and she couldn't to go to a school dance with him for obvious reasons.

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