Chapter Nineteen | A Night to Remember

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Marinette raced after Shea, knowing all too well that it would be too late. Adrien ran towards her, with Nathanael not far behind, although he was struggling to keep up with the two undercover superheroes.

"When did you guys get so fast?" He panted, frantically searching as he talked. "You both should pick up cross country or something."

The pair reluctantly slowed to his pace.

"Sorry," Marinette and Adrien said at the same time, giving each other a sheepish look.

"Where do you think she went?" Nathanael said. "I feel horrible for her, no one deserves to be humiliated like that."

Marinette nodded. "Especially in front of their crush." Nathanael blushed at her words, and hastily chased the subject.

"I just really hope she's okay." The sincerity on his eyes made Marinette's heart lurch.

"As long as you keep talking to her like that, she will be." Marinette said sweetly, patting him mid run.

Adrien knew that they both weren't interested in each other, but that didn't stop the jealously rising. Knock it off Adrien, he said to himself. She's not yours to keep.

"Should we check the art room next?" Adrien offered, stopping in front of the door. "She might be there."

Nathanael nodded his hand at the same time as several screams rang though the halls, coming from the main gym.

The trio shared a glance. Shea. They took off running down the hall, recklessly, to find their friend.


Things were about what they expected when they finally made it to the gym.

Shea was lifted up, floating on air over all of her classmates. Her features were porcelain, and every bit of color looked as if it had been sucked out of her features.

"You all have taken all the color from me - all my life source. Now I'm just gray. And you all will be too." Shea didn't waste any time; sucking all the color from a group of students, turning them into paper dolls that easily toppled over.

Marinette typically made it her goal to keep her language as clean and kind as the rest of her, but a a few vulgar words slipped out--and Adrien looked at her like her hair was on fire.

Marinette rolled her eyes and laughed. "I think the situation warrants it." She turned to Nathanael. "I'm going to go try and get some help, okay?" The small girl motioned for them both to stay there before taking off running for the office like a mad woman.

Adrien seized his opportunity. "I'll go with her," he said to Nathanael. "Go take cover somewhere."

Adrien ran towards the closest storage closet, hurrying to open the door--only to hear a squeal when it was finally opened.

Ladybug was standing inside, yoyo in hand.

"Ladybug?" Adrien said incredulously. "What are you doing in here?"

"Adr--I mean, what are you doing here?" Ladybug wiped the look of panic off her face and resumed business mode.

"Um, I was taking shelter here. From the akuma you know." Adrien shifted from foot to foot and gave a sheepish smile.

Ladybug gave an internal laugh. Awe, he's so embarrassed to be caught trying to hide instead of help, she thought.

"Good. You stay here. I'm sure I can solve this one." And with that she was off, closing the door and leaving Adrien by himself.

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