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Jungkook's POV:

I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I'm... Really glad the curse is gone."

Ryeo only blinked. It was probably because of how I acted before and how I'm acting now.

I knelt down to her level. "Ryeo-ya, I'm sorry for calling you a burden. I'm sorry for everything. I really didn't mean to. It was because of this. I didn't want you to hurt now that you're older."

Ryeo looked at me. "So... All that ignoring and rudeness was a lie... To protect me?"

I nodded. "Mmm. You don't know how bad I felt for doing this to you."

Ryeo smiled and put her hand on mine. "It's okay, let's forget the past and the future. How about enjoying where we are now?"

I smiled back and held her hand. "Yeah. Let's."

I felt even more guilty. I didn't tell her the real truth why I had to push her away. If she found out, she'd never forgive me.

We walked to the ice cream parlor hand in hand. "At college... You can show off to your friends that you've got a boyfriend like me."

Ryeo giggled. "Yeah, I guess I can."

We bought ice creams for ourselves and one for V.

He wasn't surprised to see us coming back hand in hand.

"I totally saw this coming," he said, looking at our hands. Ryeo blushed.

She's so cute.


I knew what would happen.

It wasn't surprising. Now that the curse has been lifted Jungkook will obviously make his move on Ryeo.

I'm not surprised.

I do like Ryeo, I really do. A lot. But I choose family, and Jungkook's my brother.

I'll help them stay together. All of them.

This time I'll protect them.

But more surprisingly... Why did Jin hyung remove the curse? What does he have on his mind now?

I was shaken out of my thoughts as Jungkook and Ryeo returned with ice cream.

They were holding hands, but I wasn't surprised.

"I totally saw that coming," I said, looking at their hands.

Ryeo blushed. Cute girl.

Jungkook stared at her lovingly.

"Um guys, my ice cream," I said bluntly, holding out my hand.

Jungkook gave me my ice cream and the three of us walked back to Ryeo's house.

"Thanks for inviting us to the festival, I always wanted to go," Ryeo said. "And thanks for the ice cream too."

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