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Ryeo's P.O.V:

I was sitting on the bench all alone in the morning, waiting for the bus to arrive. It was beautiful here, without many cars. The weather was gloomy, but it gave you fresh morning air and freshness of a breeze.

I watched my legs dangle as I remembered my past, and before I realized it the corner of my lips curved into a smile.

I was only six when I first met him.

As all the memories passed my head, I remembered Jungkook, and I finally realized how much I'd missed him all those years.

My mom and I had finally come back to Seoul because of her work, and I could finally go to Busan to meet my uncle, cousin and Jungkook.

My cousin knows about Jungkook. My uncle is a shaman, and he actually forbade me from going to the forest.

But my cousin always covered me. She understood, she's the same age as me. Park Chaeyoung. She knows everything about spirits too. I guess uncle taught her...

The bus came, and I took a seat at the very back.

There weren't many people, just enough to make me feel comfortable, relaxed, safe and warm.

I put on my earphones and leaned against the window as the bus started to move.

It was raining.

I remembered playing with Jungkook in the rain. It was wonderful. The way we'd splash each other.

Jungkook had hated water, really, but I encouraged him to play with me and he did, and found out how fun it is.

I saw his smile. He had taken off his mask at my request, and smiled in the rain. I loved that smile. And I missed it. He said he'd wait until I returned. And now we can meet again. We can talk again. We can be together again.

When we played in the rain, Jungkook became completely oblivious to our surroundings and just simply played. He almost hugged me in delight, but I backed away and he came to his senses.

I didn't tell him so I wouldn't spoil his mood, but I caught Jimin watching us from the forest. Hands in pockets, not moving a muscle.

But that look. He didn't have that mischievous smirk plastered on his face like usual, he just watched us with sad, tired eyes that seemed to want to say something but couldn't.

Or maybe I was just getting carried away. But who wouldn't?

I watched Seoul pass by. It was a morning here in Seoul and still pretty chilly, and then it started raining.

It wasn't that hot, wet summer rain we usually get, but that cool, refreshing, calm rain that gives the refreshing earthy odor after it rains.

I sighed and smiled to myself. I'd meet uncle and Chaeyoung too. I realized how much I'd missed them as well. They were my favorite uncle and favorite cousin.

Chaeyoung must have grown up into a beautiful girl, I thought.

I didn't realize that I had fallen into a deep sleep until a woman next to me gently shoved my shoulder to wake me up.

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