Chapter 1

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~Brandon's POV~

I woke up from the light shinning down on me. I slowly get up and do my morning routine for school. Summer had ended and school had begun. Today was the day everyone got their l schedules. I instantly knew that none of my friends except for Vikk are going to be in my classes. I had all AP classes and took Jazz band. I really didn't want to go to school after all of what had happened over the summer. I really fucked up and now me and Kyle (TheKylern389) aren't friends anymore. Never mind that though, I picked up my green and black backpack and walked outside. I close the door. I pull out my earbuds and take out my phone. I turn my phone on and play "Blood on the Sand" by Thrice. The sky was blue as ever. Cars passed by as I sang along to the song while walking. People passed by me and kept talking to each other. I started to sing "Blood on the Sand" as I kept repeating the album, "To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere" by Thrice. 

  We wave our flags, we swallow fear like medicine
We kiss the hands of profiteers and their congressmen
But I've seen too much (of this fear and hate)
Yeah I've had enough (and I'm not afraid)
To raise a shout, to make it clear — this has to end

There's blood on the sand, there's blood in the street
And there's a gun in my hand, or there might as well be
And I'm sick of it, I'm so sick of it

We panic at the sight of different colored skin
We've got a plan to justify each mess we're in
But I've seen too much (of this fear and hate)
I've had enough (and I'm not afraid)
To take a stand, to make it right — this has to end

There's blood on the sand, there's blood in the street
And there's a gun in my hand, or there might as well be
And I'm sick of it, I'm so sick of it

Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others' suffering
And I've felt its touch too many times and I've had enough
I've had enough!

There's blood on the sand, there's blood in the street
And there's a gun in your hand, or there might as well be
Are you sick of it? I'm so sick of it

There's blood on the sand, there's blood in the street
And there's a gun in your hand, or there might as well be
Aren't you sick of it? I'm just sick of this
Cause I'm sick, I'm sick
I'm sick, I'm so sick of this  

  I kept singing songs from Thrice until, I saw Vikk towards me with some people as I entered the school. I didn't pay attention to them until Vikk pulled out my earbuds. 

"Pete! Why weren't you listening to what I was saying!" Vikk yelled at me while holding my earbuds.

"I just feel tired sorry, Vikk. I know its the first day back but I really feel tired after doing an all nighter." I told him. Vikk sighs and gives back my earbuds. I turn off my phone and start listening to the conversation. 

"So, how was everyone's summer?" Rob asked. 

"Mine was okay. I wished I was hanging out with all of you guys during the summer." Preston says as he smiles brightly at Rob. We all knew Preston had a crush on Rob, except Rob because he was dense as hell.

"My summer was eh really. There was some drama on Twitter that I was apart of but other than that my summer was pretty eh due to the lack of PEOPLE like MITCH not texting in the group chat" Mat says and smirks at Mitch.

 Everyone went on about their summer on how good it was or how lame it was. I eventually got bored and almost turned on my phone until Vikk scolded me and took away my phone. 

"Pete since you didn't say anything about your summer yet why don't you just tell us?" Lachlan asked me. I gave him a cold stare and lied about how my summer was.

"Summer was great and that's all I have to say about it." I lied to them all. In reality, what I could have said, "Summer was awful. I lost my best friend. I started to break inside." I didn't really say that. The guys have enough to handle. They didn't need to baby me around even more. I'm the youngest out of the group. They already act like my parents sometimes except for Mat, Doni, and Zak.  Did I really want to break them even more? Last year, they found out that Lachlan cuts and they broke. Lachlan still cuts but Vikk helps him out of it. He's recovering from his depression. The group went to chaos after the whole "Lachlan" incident. I don't need that happening because of me. I really don't need it. I may sound so cocky but I feel really misunderstood. 

Time passed and everyone got their schedules. The group which consisted of Mitch, Jerome, Lachlan, Vikk, Rob, Preston, Doni, Choco, Zak, Mat, Quiff, John(Generzon), and me, Brandon. I of course had no classes with them. I was sad about this but this is what I get for having all AP classes. I was surprised Vikk wasn't in any of my classes. He has the same AP classes just at different times which leaves me to fend for myself in PE. Everyone scattered and I stood there as they left. 

  Before Vikk left he gave me my phone back and said, Pete I know you were lying back there about your summer." I put my phone in my pocket and walked down the halls of Silver Crystal High School. I walked into my first period classroom and sat at the back. My thoughts clouded up my brain as soon as Mrs. Cherry started talking about her class and the expectations in her AP Math class. 

 This is totally going to be a great year....


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