Jin arrived at hospital and the doctor come out from emergency room.

"Doc, how was she? She is okay right?"

"We can't wait again, she has bad contraction and must immediately giving birth now"

Jin was allowed in and he standing beside Stephanie who ready to give birth.

"I'm sorry honey, you must be hurt." Jin said and hold Stephanie's hand then kiss her forehead.

Stephanie nodded and give him a smile.

"I'm here don't worry, you strong. You can do it for our baby."

"I'm scared Jin, this is my first time." Stephanie said with hard breath.

"It's okay, the doctor and nurse will help you. And I'll be beside you."

Finally the moment was come. Stephanie was push herself to give a birth for the baby. She was in pain and crying. Jin was beside her held her hand tight and cheering her.

After 30minutes progress, the crying baby was heard in the room.

"Congratulation both of you" The nurse said and hand the baby in Stephanie's embrace.

Jin and Stephanie was happy. They crying because of happiness. Jin kiss the baby and Stephanie.

"You've work so hard Steph, look she is so beautiful."

Stephanie smile to the baby and hug her.


The bangtan was come to hospital to visited the newborn girl.

They entering Stephanie's room. There were Jin and Stephanie. Jin was hold the baby.

"Wow, it's really suit you Jin" Namjoon said.

"Congratz both of you" Jimin said and hand Stephanie a bucket of present.

"Thanks guys" Stephanie give them a bright smile.

"What's her name?" Jungkook ask.

"We call her Yinnie" Jin reply.

"Yinnie? That's so cute" Taehyung said.

"Yeah,I added Yin Hyung's name" Jin said.

They all so happy for the newborn baby girl in their life. It gave a light after the darkness that they have been trough.


5 years later------------------

Stephanie was at the kitchen preparing breakfast for them. Jin and Yinnie.

Jin suddenly hug her from behind.

"Jin, I'm cooking."

"So?" Jin said and keep clinging on Stephanie's body.

Jin kissed her neck and lean his head on Stephanie's shoulder.

"The breakfast it's ready, call Yinnie to come down." Stephanie said.

"Okay, but after i get what I want"

"What is that?"

Jin move closer to her and give her a kiss on her forehead, and then her cheeks. And finally lean his lips to Stephanie's lips.

Jin kiss her gently and Stephanie follow the rhythm.

"Mom,Dad!!!! It's disgusting" Yinnie shout in front of them.

They were surprise and let go off each other.

"When did you come here Yinnie?" Jin ask.

"When that's touch each other" She pointed Jin Lips and Stephanie's.

"Oh baby, why don't you said earlier." Jin said and pick her up.

"You and mom always touch my lips with yours, but not like that. You and Mom like licking the lollipop. I prefer lollipop" She said.

Jin just laugh and peck his nose.

"Let's get your breakfast, Daddy will take you to school." Jin said and kiss her cheek.

After their breakfast finished, Jin grab Yinnie's bag and going outside. He held Yinnie's hand.

"Good bye Mommy..." She wave her hand to Stephanie.

"See you dear" Jin said and give Stephanie kiss on the lips.

Jin now have his own big café in Seoul. It's really famous there.

He love his life now. To be have Stephanie and Yinnie was give him happiness.


At afternoon, Yinnie was playing at house. Suddenly she was stop by a picture on the cabinet.

She watch the picture and frowned. There were two person with same face. That was Jin and Yin.

"Dad!!!" She shouting from the living room.

"What's wrong baby?" Jin approach her and hug her from behind.

"Why those person have a same face as yours?"

Jin was giggling for her question.

"It's me and my twins brother baby, guess which one is me?" Jin ask her.

"I can't guess dad, your face was same"

"Just try guess, c'mon"

She pointed on of the person in the picture.

"Is this you Dad?"

Jin was smile.

"Yeahh.... It's your dad" Jin answer her while watching the person in the picture.

Actualy, Yinnie was pointed at Yin, and Jin was happy to said that.


Yeayyy, it's happy ending. :):):):):)

Thanks for the readers. See you at the next book. I will keep writing, and trying hard  for the better story.

Annyyeeooonnggg----^^^^^^^^^^ :* <3

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