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Jin entering a bright light in front of him. He walking step by step and follow the bright light. He ending in the big garden, full of flowers.

There were many trees and a waterfall in the corner. The sounds of bird singing in the tree, and splash of water can be heard.

Suddenly the darkness show start coming from the corner of the garden. The darkness walking to the direct of Jin.

Jin running to avoid the darkness and running following the bright light. Jin was tired and fall on his knees. He was frustrated, but suddenly two hands appearing in front of him. He look up to see whose hand is that.

"Omma.............appa.............." Jin saw his biological parents.

"Come on dear, let me help you" His mother angelic voice said.

Jin take their hands and stand up.

"Mom,Dad I missed you" Jin hug both of his parents and crying.

"Let's come with us dear, you'll be happy" His dad grab Jin's hand.

Jin smiling and follow them to the bright light way. But suddenly there were a voice that make him stop.


"Jin........please come to me"

Jin recognize the voices. It's Yin's voice.

"Jin...." Yin's voice keep louder and Jin turned his head to the voice come from.

"It's Yin Hyung Mom,Dad" Jin said.

"I want to see him......" Jin let go off his hands from his parents.

"As you wish Jin, as long you happy. we will be protect you from here" His mom said.

Jin walking away and then all around him disappear. So did Him.


Yin was alone with Jin in the hospital. Stephanie back to home to take something that she leave behind.

Suddenly Jin fingers was move between Yin's hand. Yin stand up and move closer to Jin's face.

Jin slowly open his eyes, and he saw his brother beside him.

"Thanks God.... You awake" Yin said relief.

Jin was going to take off his mask oxygen, but Yin stop him.

"No, you have to wear that. Don't worry, it will help you breath" Yin said while pull out Jin's hand.


"Yes Jin..?" Yin put his hand in Jin's forehead.

"H-hyung........ i-im.... S-scared..." Jin said in the middle of his heavy breath.

"Don't worry you'll be fine, I promise." Yin said and hold Jin's hand tightly.

"You can trust me, you will be okay." Yin continue.

Jin give him a small smile. He was comfortable to have his brother beside him, cheering for him.

"I will make sure that you will never feel pain again. You'll be free like everyone else. Can you believe me?"

Jin just nodded and smile.

"Now, sleep. I'll be here beside you. Don't worry about anything, you'll be safe."

Jin close his eyes and fall asleep while he hold Yin's hand.

After some hours, Dr.Choi entering Jin's room. He and Yin was talking about Jin's condition.

"Are you ready?" Dr.Choi said to Yin.

"Yeah, I have to save my brother. I'm the only one that he have."

"I'm so sorry Yin, we don't have any choice"

"It's okay doc, that's not your fault. Just try your best for our operation, and please take care of him"

They didn't realize that Stephanie was already in the room. She heard their conversation.

"What do you mean? What operation? Did we get the donor already?" Stephanie ask.

Dr.Choi and Yin didn't say anything and just silent.

"Why no one answer? And what do you mean 'our operation' ??"

"I'm sorry Steph.........."

" Don't say that you......"

"You have no right to forbid this, I'm his brother and I decided." Yin try to explain.

"Please, we can discuss this outside" Dr.Choi ask them to talk at outside.

In the corridor, Stephanie grab Yin's collar and crying.

"Why you did this? Who ask you to sacrifice yourself?" Stephanie side while sobbing.

"It's not something like a duty. I have to save him. He is my brother, my twins brother. I can't let him die like that."

"And after you save him, you leave him? Can you imagine how will is he feel?"

"SO WHAT SHOULD I DO? HE IS DYING THERE, HE IS IN PAIN AND WE JUST DO NOTHING????!!!" Yin shout while tears fall in his eyes.

Stephanie can't answer. She don't wanna both of them die. She love both of them.

Stephanie fall on her knees and her crying being hard and can't stop.

"I have to do this Steph, this is the last gift that I can give to him. I hurt him many times"

"But....but I don't want to lose you too, please Yin"

Yin take Stephanie to stand up and hold her hands.

"Promise me, you never leave Jin whatever happen. Take care of him, for me" Yin said.

Stephanie hug Yin for the last time. She is crying in Yin's embrace.


The operation will be held tonight. Both of Jin and Yin was already in the operation's room.

Stephanie was wait outside, suddenly Namjoon and others was come.

"What happen? How can he got the donor?" Namjoon ask in worry.

"It's Yin's...... he give his heart to Jin" Stephanie can't hold the tears.

"What the f--" Namjoon take a big sigh and rubbed his hair.

"He is sacrifice himself in the end" Taehyung said.

Jin's parents was arrived and feel worried when they heard Jin get the donor and was ready for operation.

"How was he? Is he get the donor?" Jin's mom speaking.

"His twins brother gave it to Jin" Jungkook explain everything.

Jin's parents feel sorry about his twins, but also feel relief that Jin can be save.


In the operation room, Jin has been drugs to deep sleep. While Yin, he still open his eyes beside Jin.

Yin turned his head to Jin, watching his younger brother for the last time.

He reach Jin's hand and held it.

"I'm sorry Jin............. Good bye...." For the last word that he said, his eyes was tears up.

The doctors move Yin's head facing to the ceiling, and start drugs him into deep sleep. He close his eyes slowly.

Some memories of him with Jin when they were child was coming in his vision. That time when Jin gave his precious toy to Yin. The time when Yin hug Jin because he fall from the bicycle. The beautiful memories that he had with Jin, he smile for the last time. His hands that held Jin slowly fall and he feel the darkness come to him.

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